Finland is a very popular holiday destination for tourists from Russia..This is not surprising - the proximity of this beautiful northern country gives you the opportunity to rest there at any time of the year .But since the country is northern, the god himself ordered, as they say, to go on a mountain-skiing tour to Finland..Do not be surprised to see that local residents predominate on the slopes of resorts, and not tourists - Finns often say that they get on skis as soon as the first snow falls .And the slopes are not here like in the Alps, but an order of magnitude lower - these are hills, more likely resembling hills .Therefore, Europeans who have access to the great mountain range with Mont Blanc at the head, rarely go to conquer the Finnish tracks .

Honored by the Finns - ennobled and fully equipped for comfortable skiing slopes: there are trails for both beginners and professionals, as well as many routes for flat (cross-country) skis.

Be prepared for the fact that the "wild" tracks for freeride you will not find here. In honor of the Finns - ennobled and fully equipped for comfortable skiing slopes. There are trails for beginners and professionals, as well as many routes for flat (cross-country) skis. Any resort, even the smallest, with one lift, is necessarily private, and its owner carefully monitors the quality of the slopes and service.

If we talk about the price of ski tours to Finland, then it will directly depend on what kind of transport you go to the resort.

For example, a tour with an airfare will cost you a tidy sum - about 1000-1200 EUR, but the bus tour is much cheaper, about 500-600 EUR. If possible, it is worth to get to the ski resorts of Finland with your own transport - then you will spend only on accommodation, food and ski pass.

What kind of resorts are worth visiting? The ski resort of Levi deserves attention - there are more than 50 different slopes here, and besides skiing it is possible to go to a snowpark for snowboarders, entertainment centers, a water park or a spa, restaurants or a night club.

The ski resort of Pyhä is so strange to our ear that the name of the even more complex name of the mountain of Pyhätunturi is

But it is here that the longest winter season in Finland is from November to May. Snow cannons and a constant temperature below 0 ° C provide a constant and uniform snow cover of excellent quality. Behind the trails carefully looked after, and the total length of the slopes exceeds 250 km. There are many trails for extreme descents, and there is a single ski pass for all lifts.

The two above-mentioned resorts are located in Lapland - Finland's most fabulous region. Visit the ski resorts of Lapland costs with the celebration of Christmas and New Year - such a tour will surely be unforgettable.

But in the resort of Vuokatti you can ride not only at the height of the winter season. There is an equipped tunnel for skiers, which constantly maintains the temperature necessary for an excellent snow cover. Thirteen descents of varying complexity offer riding options for every taste. And by the way, national and international freestyle competitions are constantly held here - do not miss this spectacular show.

All prices are for October 2014

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Mountain-skiing tours to Finland