Real estate in Finland. Rent of villas and apartments in Finland. How to rent or buy a house in Finland or an apartment. Sale and rent: features and prices.

For Finland, buying and selling real estate is one of the main types of business in the country. More and more Russians decide to buy a house or apartment in Helsinki or resort areas. Prices for real estate in Finland for many years remain at an acceptable level. In addition, the country is well known to our fellow citizens and attracts by its opportunities.

The acquisition procedure is

Usually, when buying an apartment or a house in Finland, the client applies to a real estate agency that has a corresponding license. The parties conclude an agreement in which all the necessary data about the object are prescribed.

In order not to worry that the apartment will leave to another buyer, the client gives a deposit. Usually this is 4 percent of the transaction value. If the refusal to purchase the amount is returned to the buyer.

After the buyer agrees to the proposed option, the sale is formalized. All calculations are almost always carried out through the bank - any foreigner who has arrived in the country on a long line can open an account with a local bank. However, you need to ensure that the account does not have a negative balance. Otherwise, you can run into a fine.

The contract of sale is signed by a notary (it will take around 100 euros). Usually the whole procedure takes two weeks. After that, the buyer must pay the real estate tax and submit documents to the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, where he will register.

At the beginning of 2012, the cost per square meter of housing in Finland was 2100 EUR, in Helsinki - 3300 EUR.

Purchase of land and construction of

The authorities of Finland love when the land brings income in the form of taxes, so they calmly treat the sale of land to foreigners. The acquisition process is similar to buying a property. However, if the area of ​​the land plot exceeds 0, 5 hectares, the municipality can redeem the territory if it can be used for public purposes. Such cases are rare.

The erection of the house begins with the permission of the municipality to obtain a building permit. Sometimes this right at the site can already be, it is usually issued for 20 years.

According to the law, the person responsible for the design and execution of work responsible for the sewerage system and responsible foreman should be assigned to the site. Each of them must obtain a license for their activities.

The project of the house will cost an average of 5 thousand EUR. The client pays for the architectural project, the wiring and sewerage projects.


Mortgage in Finland can get both a private and a legal entity. The bank requires a passport, a certificate of income (with the client's earnings must double the amount of payment) and a preliminary contract for the sale of the object.

To obtain a mortgage, the client must have at least 30 percent of the transaction amount on the bank account. The loan is usually given for a period of 15 to 30 years. The interest rate is from 4 to 8 percent.

Russian banks do not give mortgages for buying real estate in Finland. If the loan is not paid on time, the bank, after a relevant court decision, starts selling the pledged property.

Sale procedure

The maintenance of the real estate in Finland depends on two indicators: the tax to property and municipal payments. These figures may vary depending on the area in which the apartment is located, its area and the heating system.

The annual property tax in Finland varies from 0, 3 to 1 percent of the assessed value of the property. When selling a house or apartment, you must take into account the 28 percent tax on profits from the sale. If the profit is less than a thousand EUR, the tax is not charged.

The realtor for his services will take from 3 to 5 percent of the transaction plus VAT. It turns out quite a good amount. You can, of course, do sales yourself, but you need to know the specifics of the local market. As an intermediary, you can choose both a Finnish company and a Russian company that has the right to work with Finnish partners.

Cottages on the shore of the lake in Puumala

The cost of real estate is

At the beginning of 2012, the cost per square meter of housing in Finland was 2100 EUR, in Helsinki - 3300 EUR.

To date, the most expensive homes are sold in the following regions - Savonlinna, Lake Saimaa, Lappeenrante. The cost of cottages is one and a half to two times higher than the national average. The sotka of the land near the lake can reach 1500 EUR. The house "turnkey" will cost 2-2, 5 thousand EUR for the "square."

Helsinki is also one of the most expensive cities. Here, a spacious house will cost 400 thousand EUR, a two-room apartment - from 250 thousand, "treshka" - from 300 thousand EUR.

Where Russians buy $ ±​​$

According to local laws, foreigners can acquire real estate in Finland with registration for both a legal entity and an individual. The most difficult thing to buy housing on the Åland Islands - in this case, the permission of the Finnish government is required.

Russians like to buy real estate in Finland. Firstly, it is a neighbor country, where it is very convenient to get there.

Secondly, compared to St. Petersburg and Moscow, prices for local real estate are less. Especially it concerns country houses and cottages.

Thirdly, in Finland you can rest all year round. In winter they go skiing, in the summer they fish. In addition, this country is constantly surprised by its sights, entertainment centers and, of course, goods.

Most Russians like the resort areas and located near Helsinki. Our fellow citizens do not stint, so Russian homes can be found in the above-mentioned Lappeenranta and Savonlinna, as well as in the capital of Finland. True, real estate prices in these regions are constantly growing, but this trend does not deter consumers. Russians with a little less prosperity choose real estate in Lahti, Tampere, Turku, Espoo. Here apartments are 20-30 percent cheaper.

Finns cautiously evaluate foreigners who purchase real estate in their country. In the Russian tradition, after a housewarming, immediately get acquainted and make friends with neighbors. In Finland, local people look at foreigners: how they behave, how they relate to the land, to the country. And if, from their point of view, you behave correctly, you soon deserve the love and respect of the new neighbors.

Rent of apartments and cottages

In the real estate market in Finland, there are a lot of offers for renting for a long term (apartments for students), and for a short period (for holidaymakers).

Rental housing in the south of the country in a picturesque resort area will cost from 500 to 2500 EUR, on average - 700-900 EUR per week. At your disposal there will be a spacious cottage with several bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room, a sauna and a furnished adjoining area, which can accommodate from four to ten people. Virtually all cottages differ in thoughtful design and have modern technical equipment. Additionally, comprehensive food and various sports equipment are provided.

In the northern part of the country, the rental price of this type of property ranges from 200 to 900 EUR. The most expensive server resort is Rovaniemi, where renting a property for less than 500 EUR is simply unreal.

Rent a three-room apartment with good repair and full technical equipment in Helsinki can be 130-150 EUR per day, and a cottage in the suburbs - for 1600 EUR per week. You can rent a room in the center of the city for 30 EUR.

One bedroom apartment in the town of Lappeenranta is rented for only 50 EUR per day. Inexpensive accommodation in a one-room apartment in the southern resort of Lahti - from 50 to 80 EUR per day. And in Imparte il Kotka apartments with 2-3 beds are rented at a price of 200 to 350 EUR per month. The cottage real estate of North Karelia is also popular, it is possible to rent middle-class housing at a price from 350 to 700 EUR per week for four or six people.

Åland Islands in Finland Real estate in Finland
Åland Islands
Beauty Tampere, Finland Real estate in Finland
Panorama of Tampere
Turku in the summer, Finland - Real estate in Finland
Turku in the summer
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Real estate in Finland