Traveling in good, wide, convenient, free, information-equipped, generally comfortable and safe roads in Finland, observe the rules of the road. Violation of the rules threatens to meet with the police and a fine, and failure to pay a fine - problems with subsequent entry into the country and the EU.

When renting a car, contact well-known firms offering technically well-established cars - in Avis, Hertz, Eurocar, Toyota, Finnish Penteca, Netpent. When booking a car, monitor costs and pay bills.

From December 1 to February 28, you are required to use studded tires and include a car heater. It is forbidden to use studded and non-studded tires at the same time. It is allowed to use all-season tires.

Since the beginning of 2009, the Finnish road police has learned to track cars with a number even in the oncoming traffic of cars with the help of video cameras. Do not over-ride. The maximum speed in the city is 60 km / h, outside the city in general - 80 km / h, on the winter motorway - 100 km / h, on the summer motorway - 120 km / h. Focus on the signs.

Be vigilant in places where signs of moose are installed, slow down, especially at night - moose and reindeer often cross the road, collision with which threatens major troubles to the animal, your car and your health. Especially a lot of reindeers along the roads of Lapland.

Fasten your seat belts, no matter what place in the car you occupy. Penalty for violation - 35 EUR.

If the car moves - do not forget to switch on the dipped headlights. Be careful in the fog - in southern Finland fogs are frequent and dense. Decrease the speed.

Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, otherwise you face a fine, arrest or a more serious punishment. Permitted maximum alcohol in the driver's blood is 0, 5 ppm.

Toilets on the highway are always at the gas stations, which, in fact, are universal service centers with a store, catering, toilet room and childcare room. At the gas station, you can also buy a good road map for 4-7 EUR.

Since the beginning of 2008, motorists have restricted access to free toilets on the roadside, as the number of cases of vandalism has increased. Now you can get to the toilet by sending the word "open" in Finnish to the short number indicated on the toilet door, then the door will automatically open.

Natalia Dorovskaya

The material was prepared as part of the joint program " Safety of tourists abroad »with the portal