Finnish language (suomi, suomen kieli) - refers to the Baltic-Finnish branch of the Finno-Ugric family. It is spoken by almost the entire population of Finland (92%), as well as ethnic Finns living in Sweden, Norway, the USA, Estonia and even Russia (mainly in the Leningrad region and in Karelia). The Finnish language is very singing, it does not have hissing sounds, but there are many vowels, the words are pronounced slowly, perhaps that's why it seems to us that the Finns are somewhat slow.

In Finnish the emphasis is mainly on the first syllable.

At the Finnish language is a mass of interesting features. For example, many country names sound at least unexpectedly: Russia (Venäjä) - Venyaia, Estonia (Viro) - Viro, Germany (Saksa) - Saksa.

In addition, the Finnish surprises with his vowels. Firstly, there are simply a lot of them in every word. For example, in the word hääyöaie (intention for the wedding night), one consonant has seven (!) Vowels. This feature allowed Tolkien to take Finnish as the basis of the Elven language in his book The Lord of the Rings. Secondly, they are still different in duration. And neglecting such a longitude-short may turn into amusing surprises: he said tapan instead of tapaan - and promised to kill, but not to meet.

There are a couple of funny expressions for the Russian ear in Finnish . Some of the roots that sound awkward in our country are Finland is widely used for ordinary things . And "julupukki" are florets . Cake or bun, for example, here they call kakku, and surname in Finnish - sukunimi . Well, of course, the words themselves sometimes come across very strange . One of them even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest in Mi re-lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas (translated as "apprentice assistant junior officer-mechanic, engaged in jet engine turbines" - position in the Armed Forces of Finland) .

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Greetings, common expressions

Good morning Hjuvya humenta
Good afternoon, hello Hjuva Paivaa
Good evening Hjuva iltaa
Good night Hjuva otaia
Hello My
How are you? Mite kuuluu?
Good, thank you Hewaa, kiitos
What is your name? Mikya sinun nemesi it?
My name is Nimeni he ...
Very nice to meet Hauska tutustua
Where are you from? Mista olet kotogsin?
I'm from ... (Russia, Moscow) Olen ... (Venyayalt, Moskowasta)
Please Ole hjuwa (or olkaa hyuvat)
Thank you Kiitos
Yes Küll
No Hey
Sorry (how to pay attention, and ask for forgiveness) Antexi
Goodbye! Nyakemiin!
Do you speak Russian? Puhutko blue veining?
I do not understand Minya en umyarria
Could you help me? Vojsitteko those are outtaa mines?
Would you speak slower, please? Vojsitteko puhua hitammin?
Be kind, repeat Toistakaa, olkaa hyuvya
Hello, beauty! My, Kaunotar

Numbers and Numbers

Zero Nolla
One Waxi
Two Kaxi
Three Kolme
Four Nelya
Five Viishi
Six Kuusi
Seven Seyttsemyan
Eight Kahdaksan
Nine Uhdeksan
Ten Kymmene
Twenty-three hundred Kaksikyummentya
Kolmesata Four
Nelyasata Five Hundred Thousand
Viisisata Tukhat

In the hotel

Which hotel would you recommend? Mitya Hollallia will you work for the city of Suositella?
Is it near the center? Onko sz ezhelella keskustaa?
How much does the day cost? Palyonko tjamya huone maxaa vuorokaudelta?
Is there anything cheaper? Onko teilja yotakin halvempaa?
Could you reserve a room for me? Voytteko varata is a chuonain?
Do you have any available rooms? Onko Tyllay vapayta huoneita?
I'd like a room with ... Haluaysin huoneen Yossi he ...
... bathtub / shower ... kyulpyuhuone / suyhku
I'd like a room ... Haluaysin
Heng huoneen ... ... single / double ... yuhden / kahden
Is there air conditioning in the room? Onko honeedesa and uchastoyntailayte?
Is there a hotel ...? Onko hollandissa ...?
... Pool / Cable TV / laundry room / solarium ... a lot-allasta / kaapelli those island / pesulaa / solaariota
I would have liked to stay another night Haluaysin viipyuya Vielha yuhden yuon
Please give me your address Antakka at the mine, osojtenene, olkaa hyuva

In the store

Could you show me ...? Voitteco making a note ...?
How much does it cost? Paljonko ce maxaa?
That's it, thanks Hey mouta, kiitos
I would like something not very expensive Khaluaisin iotakin hey kovin callista
Is there any guarantee for this? Onko takuuta?
Is there an instruction manual? Onko kyayutyookhetta?
This is not exactly what I would like to Sey Oile aivan Sellainen quain halyaysin
It's very expensive Sey Liane Callis
I take it Otan zhamyan
Where can I pay? Minneuve Maxaa?
I'm paying ... Maxan ...
Cash / Credit Card Кятейселля / луоттокортилла
I do not have any small money Minula ei ole pienta rahaa

In the restaurant

Waiter !! Tarjulia!
Do you have free tables? Oleta vapaa taulukot?
I want to order a table Halowan varata peydyan
Account Tili
Take my order Hyvaksyu minus Tilauxeni
Your specialty? Oman ticket erykoysuus?
Tea / coffee Aunt / kahvia
Soup / SALAD / sandwich Keeetto / salaatti / voleilepa
I do not eat meat En suyohahaa
Beer / wine Olut / Veena
Account, please Taroyliyya, saanko laskun kiitos
dessert we order a little later
Yyalkiruokaa tilaamme myuohemmin we pay separately
Haluaysimme Maksayev erikseen Count, please , all together Yuhdessa olkaa hyuvia
Everything was perfectly cooked Kaikki oli huvin maukasta


How much does it cost to travel? Quinck the uterus?
What is this stop? Lopeta Mitya?
Departure Lahti (lähtö)
Train / airplane Yuna / Lentocone
How much does the ticket cost? Palionco Lippu maxaa?
One ticket to ...

ICSI Lippi To help the motorist: Banners and signs Stopping

Pysakointi kielletty
only tenants Vain talon asukkaille
A service movement allowed Huoltoajo sallittu
Free Paid Maksullinen
On weekdays Arkisin
Sunday and holidays Pyhaisin
Mon-BT Wed-Thu-Fri Ma-ti-ke-to-pe
Sa-Su La-su
Open Auki
Close Kiini
Cafe Kahvila