"The Country of a Thousand Hills" Covered by a Wet Rainforest, Rwanda is one of the fastest growing tourist destinations on the African continent.."Comfortable Africa" ​​- so you can briefly describe the merits of Rwanda - a stable mild climate throughout the year, the absence of poisonous snakes, the hospitality of local residents and a diverse flora and fauna..Add to this the opportunity to see the giant mountain gorillas, get lost in the lunar landscapes of the tropics on the slopes of extinct volcanoes, spend time meditating on the uninhabited shore of one of the most beautiful lakes in Africa - and it becomes clear that a further life without visiting Rwanda does not seem possible ±​​$ br >.

The capital is Kigali.

The main cities are Hueye (formerly Butare), Gisenyi, Musanze, Kibungu, Kibuye, Gitarama.


  • 1 How to get to Rwanda
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Rwanda
  • 2 Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Money
  • 5 Useful phone numbers are
  • 6 Transport
  • 7 Rent a car
  • 8 Safety of tourists
  • 9 Climate
  • 10 Rwanda hotels - $
    • 10.1 Book a hotel in Rwanda at the best price
  • 11 Shopping
  • 12 Kitchen
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Rwanda
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get to Rwanda

From Moscow to Rwanda, you can get to Qatar Airways through Doha, KLM with a transfer in Amsterdam, Emirates via Dubai, Brussels Airlines through Brussels. These flights can be carried out with refueling in Nairobi or without it (the flight time from Nairobi to the capital of Rwanda Kigali is 25 minutes).

Another option is to fly to Nairobi, the main docking hub of East Africa, and from there to get to Rwanda by regional carriers Kenya Airlines and Rwandair. The minimum travel time is 15 ½ hours.

Search airfares to Rwanda


Citizens of the Russian Federation need a visa to visit Rwanda.


Import and export of foreign currency is allowed without restrictions; At the entrance to the country you must fill out a declaration. It is forbidden to export the national currency - upon departure from the country before passing the passport control it is necessary to make a reverse exchange.

Duty-free in the country you can import 200 cigarettes, 1 liter. alcoholic beverages of any strength, photo and video equipment for personal use, personal decorations.

By import, weapons and explosives, drugs, pornography are prohibited. It is forbidden to export from the country products made of ivory, skins and parts of the body of animals. Products made of gold, diamonds and spices must be accompanied by documents on their purchase.


You can exchange currency at the offices of the National Bank of Rwanda and the exchange offices (bureau de change). In the latter, the rate is slightly more favorable, but once again carefully recalculate the money. Exchange services are also offered by street changers, from which it is better to refuse to protect themselves from fraud. Dollars and EUR are accepted equally willingly.

Credit cards can be paid only in several hotels and high-end restaurants in the capital. Most ATMs are not connected to an international network, and cash is only issued from local credit cards. You can receive cash from a foreign bank card only at the offices of the Bank of Kigali (Banque du Kigali).

Welcome to Rwanda!

Useful phone numbers are

There is no diplomatic representation of Rwanda in Russia.

Embassy of Russia in Kigali: avenue de l'Armée, 19; Tel. (252) 575-286, fax 503-322; website

The Rescue Service is 112.


In the cities of Rwanda, especially in Kigali, you can travel by moto- and conventional taxis (the latter are less common). This is a very cheap mode of transport: a fairly long trip will cost about 600 francs. In the countryside there are also bicycle taxis. Moto-taxi drivers are dressed in a green waistcoat and a helmet with an individual number. The helmet is also offered to the passenger.

To cover longer distances, use the services of minibuses, designed for 7 passengers. Unlike neighboring countries, Rwandan drivers respect the location and number of people being transported, which makes traveling more or less comfortable.

Popular tourist destinations are served by individual bus routes: Virunga Express Bus, Belvedere Bus, Volcanoes Bus and Impala Express Bus.

The domestic Rwandair flight can be reached from Kigali to the port of Shanguuga on Lake Kivu.

Rent a car

Car rental in Rwanda is almost at full zero. For free movement around the country, we recommend using public transport or joining organized tours. Alternatively, you can rent a car with a driver in one of the travel agencies (from 25,000 francs) or arrange a rental of a moto-taxi or minibus for the whole day.

Maps of Rwanda

Safety of tourists

Rwanda is considered safe to visit the country. Local residents treat tourists warmly and friendly.

Rwandese society is rather conservative, so do not appear in public in public clothes and publicly express emotions (this applies both to expressions of tenderness and discontent). It is not customary to eat and drink in public. In conversation, one should not touch on a racial topic (for example, ask the interlocutor about his ethnicity) and avoid policy issues.

To visit Rwanda, a yellow fever vaccination is required, vaccinations against hepatitis A and meningitis will not be superfluous - the country is periodically shaken by outbreaks of this disease. There are a significant number of HIV carriers in the country.


Rwanda is comfortable to visit all year round. The climate of the country is subequatorial, seasonally wet. There are two wet seasons: from March to mid-May and from mid-October to December; Rains do not change the usual rhythm of life. The dry season lasts from mid-May to mid-October, the peak of eco-tourism falls on July-August. The temperature of the central part of the country is kept at + 24 ° throughout the year, in the moist highland forests the thermometer shows + 10-15 °.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Rwanda for the next few days.

Volcanoes in Rwanda Rwanda
Volcanoes in Rwanda
Gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda Rwanda
Gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park
Houses in Rwanda Rwanda
Houses in Rwanda

Rwanda hotels - $

Hotels in Rwanda, especially in the capital of Kigali, can boast a good level of service. On the territory of national parks the usual type of accommodation is lodges and campsites, both upscale and basic.

Book a hotel in Rwanda at the best price


Of the national crafts of Rwanda, the most common is the weaving of straw: from mats and carpets to dishes, baskets and lids for dishes. National baskets are called "agaseke", the largest tourist-oriented center of their production is in Kigali and is called Gahaya Links Gifted Hands Center.

In Rwanda, you can buy wonderful items made of ebony, though somewhat primitive, but authentic. Local masters will take orders for figurines according to your sketch.

Other popular art is imigongo, or painting by cow manure. This is famous for the village of Nyakarambi, near the border with Tanzania. The style of the arts is predominantly an abstraction, the colors are all shades of brown, white and black.

From Rwanda, you can bring also ceramics, wood carvings and paintings by local artists.

From edible souvenirs, pay attention to local high-quality coffee and tea.

In Rwanda, try the Urgwagu - Rwandan banana home-made beer.


The national cuisine of Rwanda had practically no influence from outside, and most of the dishes here are purely local. In the restaurants you can taste grilled fish and chicken, as well as shish kebab from goat meat. The dishes are garnished with French fries or fried bananas, generously flavored with onion and hot pepper.

Restaurants of a decent level are concentrated in the capital, here you can find institutions not only of local, but also of Indian, Chinese and Mediterranean cuisines. Lunch will cost about 7000 francs.

Lunch can also be in the so-called "melange" - restaurants, working on the principle of "buffet". At your choice - all the same potatoes in numerous variations, legumes, bananas, rice, cassava, vegetables and in much smaller quantities meat and fish. In such institutions only one approach to the buffet is allowed. Depending on the rank of the melange, the price of lunch varies from 700 to 7000 francs. In Rwanda, there is widespread beer (there are three local varieties here), national soda is also popular.

Folklore of Rwanda

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Rwanda

The Raison d'être of Rwanda as a tourist destination is largely determined by mountain gorillas inhabiting the Volcanoes National Park and other nature reserves, where you can see the fantastic diversity of the flora and fauna of the region. For more information, see the Rwandan National Parks page.

Lake Kivu - the most beautiful of the lakes of East Africa, on it you can ride on a speed boat, canoe or kayak. Also windsurfing is developed. You can relax on the shore of Kiva in the resort towns of Rubavu and Karongi.

Listen to local songs and take part in national dances, as well as improve your health with the help of local healers in the Cultural Village of Ibi'Iivas in the north of the country.

It is worth visiting the National Museum of Rwanda, the Royal Palace in Nyanza, the Museum of Ancient History of Rwanda, the Rueso Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Natural History in Kigali.

In addition, several memorable places in Rwanda are dedicated to the tragic extermination of the Tutsi people. These are the Genocide Memorials in Kigali, Nyamat and Ntaram. Pictures of Rwanda (12)

Maps of Rwanda
National parks of Rwanda
Visa to Rwanda
Hotels in Rwanda
Cities and resorts of Rwanda
Tours to Rwanda
Attractions in Rwanda
Lake Kivu
Flights to Rwanda
Video about Rwanda
Photos of Rwanda
Managers for Rwanda on the "Thinness of Tourism"
Volcanoes National Park
Weather in Rwanda