Going on a date with the most romantic city on earth, it is worthwhile seriously preparing, so that the first acquaintance did not disappoint both .Having refueled the suitcase with tons of air scarves, bright cloaks and cocktail dresses, it is worth adding several useful facts to the luggage, knowledge of which will help you out when you find yourself on the charming streets of the stunning French capital .Maybe then every minute of walking around the city, inspiring the geniuses of all time for creative feats, will be filled with pleasure and joy..

Bus excursions

Arriving in a city of croissants, fragrant perfumes and touching midnight walks along the Champs Elysees, you can explore the main attractions not only by resorting to the services of guides. Sufficiently convenient is the trip on sightseeing buses that run around the city on a certain route throughout the day. Convenience is that you can join any trip to any of the stops or, if you wish, get off at a stop to get to know the area of ​​Paris you like.

The ticket is valid for 2 days from 8.30 am to 7 pm. Buses come in two colors: red, belonging to the company Le Cars Rouge and having in the arsenal of 9 stops: the Trocadero, the Eiffel Tower, the Field of Mars, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Opera (Lafayette Gallery), the Grand Palace, and the yellow ones - the companies L'Open Tour, moving on 4 different routes and making about 50 stops, including Montmartre, the quarter of the "Red Lanterns", Montparnasse. The difference in price: the ticket for the first buses costs 27 EUR (if you buy on the Internet - 24, 4 euros), for the second - 35 EUR (on the Internet - 30 euros).
Sightseeing tour of Paris

Walking in the Seine

In addition to buses and hiking, especially popular with tourists are the hikes along the Seine, filled with charm, romance and the richness of landscapes floating past the ship. A combined 3-hour tour, including a guided walk in the center of Paris and a whole hour of river cruise, costs 29 EUR. You can stop your attention on a 5-hour tour, in which the program adds a visit to the Eiffel Tower. Tours begin daily at certain hours: 9:00, 12:00, 14:45, 18: 15.

You can also choose a special kind of river walks, the main highlight of which will be served on the deck of the steamer lunch or dinner. On the table there are exquisite French cuisine, and around you are spectacular views of Paris, cool emerald waters of the Seine, old quay stones, to which a couple of centuries ago moored ships of crowned people, outstanding people of the last millennium.

Paris, walk in the Seine

Depart steamers from the center of Paris at 12:45 and at 20: 30 .The cost of the meal depends on the number and type of lunch: Service Etolie (price 50 €), Service Privilège (price 60 €) and Service Premier (price 78 €) .Appetizing adventure lasts 2 hours .If you were lucky enough to visit Paris with your second half, a better evening than dinner on the deck of a ship lit by garlands, floating past a sparkling, fairy city - you will not spend anywhere $$.Dinner is also divided into types: Service Etolie (93 €), Service Elégance (122 €), Service Privilège (156 €) and the most expensive Service Premier (183 €) .The most important dessert of the evening is a view of the Eiffel Tower, which transforms beyond recognition, dressed up in flashlights and bright night illumination lights .The magic lasts only 10 minutes, but the extravaganza in your soul will last much longer . There is another economy option, including dinner, and evening Paris, and a long detailed acquaintance with the surroundings of the city. The 12-hour Paris Essentiel flight departs at 18.00 and costs 63 €.

Night Paris in a fog

Walks in museums and attractions

For a convenient and economical visit to numerous museums in Paris, you can purchase a subscription - Museum pass, allowing you to look at 60 historical sights and cultural treasures of France. For 2 days such a ticket costs 35 EUR, for 4 days - 50 EUR, for 6 days - 60 EUR. To orient in the amount of upcoming spending, below is the cost of some of the sights and museums of Paris:

  • Ticket to the top floor of the Eiffel Tower - 13, 40 euros
  • Museums of Orsay and Orangerie - 13 euros
  • Ticket to Versailles (park, gardens, Marie Antoinette Castle) - 25 euros
  • Ticket to the Louvre - 10 EUR. By the way, after 18.00 the price is reduced to 6 Euro, but the time for admiring the best exhibits is also reduced.
  • Visiting the Planetarium - 11 euros
  • Ticket to Saint-Chapelle - 8 euros
  • Army Museum and Disabled People's Home - 9 euros
  • ticket for the performance of the Moulin Rouge - 100 euros
  • City tour of Paris by bus - 22 euros
  • Visiting the "Disneyland" (1 park per day): adult ticket - 70 EUR, child - 63 EUR. To visit 2 parks in 2 days will have to pay for an adult 150 EUR, children - 134 EUR.


In addition to organized paid walks, you can always set off on an independent trip around Paris .All the charm of such sorties is that you have the chance to stumble on historical sites, quiet, breathtakingly beautiful streets and unexplored by the crowds of crazy tourists, and God forgotten antique, second-hand shops - $ .In addition, when you still practice in French and taste real freshly baked baguettes in local pastry shops? And especially lucky people can meet the second half, because everything in Paris breathes love, so falling in love with this city is exactly a good sign .

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Excursion tours to Paris