The traditions of business tourism in Germany are old and extensive. The beginning was put by the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, when traveling in Europe, including Germany, he tried to see and bring to Russia all the best not only in the organization of balls, but also in shipbuilding, education, medicine.

Annually in Germany there are many exhibitions, interest in them is huge .First of all - these are various automobile exhibitions .International motor show in Frankfurt is held in September under the motto "The future is included in the basic equipment" .The motto of this exhibition completely reflects its essence, after all German car makers are ahead of their colleagues from other countries, including in the standard equipment of cars options that sometimes seem fantastic .And in late November / early December in Essen is the traditional exhibition of motorcycles and car tuning Essen Motor Show, which will also attract the attention of auto and motorists .The

It is impossible not to mention the tourism associated with the passage of training in extreme driving in schools of such world-famous concerns as BMW and Mercedes .Both these companies offer wishing to take a course of training lasting from 2 to 10 days .The course is usually designed for people who already feel confident at the wheel and want to learn the subtleties of driving a particular brand of car under the guidance of certified instructors at the sites of the concern .The idea is not cheap, because you have to pay not only for tuition, but also for traveling and living. .But, experts say that the costs are fully paid off .The flow of willing, in any case, does not run low .The
Exhibition of Cars in the Museum of Bavaria Exhibitions Germany
Berlin from glass and concrete Exhibitions Germany
Unusual tower of Dusseldorf Exhibitions Germany

The annual Oktoberfest beer festival attracts not only lovers of this drink to Germany, but also brewers from different countries to Germany every September. Exchange of experience, familiarization with new equipment, marketing research - no less important than tasting different types of beer.

Many are aware of the existence of language schools, where children and adolescents from different countries, including Russia, are taught immersion in the language environment .Indeed, living in families, communicating in German on all sorts of topics with peers, attending lessons of specially trained teachers, young people very quickly learn new languages, which, undoubtedly, is necessary in the modern world .To learn more about universities, language schools and programs, all kinds of exhibitions are held throughout the year in the country .The

In total from September to December in various cities of Germany there are about 400 international exhibitions of a wide range of subjects: medicine, light industry, printing, engineering, jewelry ... So, follow the announcements! The

All articles on the topic "Business tourism"
  • ABCs of business tourism
  • Exhibitions Germany
  • Exhibitions in Hong Kong
  • Exhibitions in the world
  • Business tourism in Russia
  • Business tourism - features of organization
  • The most popular business tourism destinations
Exhibitions Germany