Do you want to celebrate the upcoming wedding abroad? We advise you to look at Germany .First, here it is very beautiful and many places where you can hold a truly unforgettable and luxurious wedding ceremony .Secondly, despite our time, a wedding in Germany is an event that is always celebrated with observance of all traditions and customs .Therefore, if this country is close to you in spirit or if there are related roots here, boldly plan your celebration .True, immediately note that the Russian couples in Germany do not officially register .That is, you can play a wedding here and even invite a specialist from a local registry office, but you, alas, do not get a certificate of marriage,.But! In this country it is allowed to get married to foreign citizens, regardless of whether they become legal spouses or not .

Be prepared for the fact that a wedding in Germany will require a decent cost. For example, renting a castle for the whole day can cost several tens of thousands of EUR.

A wedding in Germany is an excellent option for those who have already celebrated the beginning of family life in their homeland with all the attributes that so many relatives have been waiting for, and now wants to organize a holiday for themselves..Among the newlyweds who decided on a wedding in Germany, today are very popular historical castles .No wonder: what other place can be compared with the luxurious and solemn atmosphere of the halls in the castles and will bypass the beauty of the court parks and gardens ... So, you can rent royal palaces in Bavaria or, if the holiday is only for two, organize it in scenic Baden-Baden ±​​$ The .

Wedding in Germany Wedding in Germany
Wedding in Berlin Wedding in Germany
Wedding Celebration in Germany Wedding in Germany

Be prepared for the fact that a wedding in Germany will require a decent cost. For example, renting a castle for the whole day can cost several tens of thousands of EUR. If such expenses are not included in your plans, you can remove the castle only for the official part of the celebration, and save the money spent on a honeymoon trip through Germany. In this, by the way, a big plus, since almost from the registrar can go to the long-awaited honeymoon.

Most newlyweds plan a wedding in Germany for October and do it for a reason, because at this time there is a grandiose Oktoberfest festival.
Wedding in Germany

If noisy festivities are not included in your plans, you can choose a romantic cruise on the Rhine .Whatever scenario of the upcoming celebration you choose, without the help of wedding coordinators and agencies here, perhaps, you can not do .When concluding agreements with them, immediately specify which services they will render, and for which you will have to calculate separately .It is better to take up the organization of a wedding in Germany in advance, because in a season (and it lasts from May to October, as it does with us), it is already problematic to find a suitable and free place for a celebration..In addition, for travel will require the registration of Schengen, and visa, as you know, also need to do ahead of time .

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Wedding in Germany