Athos, the third "finger" of Halkidiki - the most beautiful and spiritual of all. It is the holy mountain Athos and twenty Orthodox monasteries, including the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon. Hotels on the peninsula are few, and they are located at the very beginning of the small resort towns of Neo-Rod and Ouranopoli ("heavenly city").

Karis is the capital of the monastic republic of Agion-Oros (Athos). Here is a museum of the history of Christianity, which is famous for its unique icons, books and manuscripts.

Women are not allowed to enter Athos, men can only visit the peninsula with a special permit.
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  • 1 Myths and legends of Mount Athos
  • 2 Monasteries of Mount Athos
  • 3 Features of the peninsula
    • 3.1 Visa for Mount Athos
    • 3.2 Halkidiki

Myths and legends of Mount Athos

Mount Athos is covered with more myths and legends than the ancient Olympus. Unusual is its very origin - according to myth, Poseidon picked it up from the bottom of the sea, and crushed it by a giant called Athos, when the titans rebelled against the gods.

And already the biblical legend tells that once Maria floated by the Mount Athos, and was so fascinated by these lands that she asked God for them for herself. Since then, they have become her earthly lot, and are also intended for all who seek salvation and trust in the Lord. This happened in the I century, and in the fifth century the first monasteries began to appear here

This mountain is one of the most important shrines of Orthodoxy, even before the erection of the Kiev Lavra, Anthony of Caves went for blessing on Mount Athos.
And even then access to Athos for people with "smooth faces", that is, for the beautiful half of humanity was closed. This is one of the fundamental points of the Statute of the State of Athos, and its non-observance is punishable by imprisonment from eight months to a year. So ladies can look at holy places only from the boat at a "safe" distance. There are also no animals here, except for those that are irreplaceable in the household, and even birds. Nothing should distract the monks from their main vocation, from prayer.

According to another legend, in the Middle Ages the queen of Serbia tried to appease the locals with generous gifts, but the angel blocked the way to the holy land. In general, monks say that a small cloud is always visible above the top of the mountain, they are sure that this is the Virgin Mary herself who is watching the life of Mount Athos. And more than one person failed to capture it on the camera. Video shooting here, of course, is also strictly prohibited.

This mountain is one of the most important shrines of Orthodoxy, even before the erection of the Kiev Lavra, Anthony of Caves went for blessing on Mount Athos. Since ancient times Orthodox Christians from all over the world have been making pilgrimages to Mount Athos monasteries.

Monasteries of Mount Athos

Each monastery has a special building - arhondariki, where pilgrims live. Archodaris are served by monks - archondaris, who help visitors to settle down and conduct a short sightseeing tour, as well as supply the necessary background information.

Today, Athos is an autonomous state with an area of ​​almost 336,000 square meters, which has its own Charter, recognized by the Greek government, and representation in the Parliament. Life here is very unusual, many monks live without the elementary blessings of civilization, in many monasteries there is not even electricity. On Athos do not eat meat, do not smoke, do not wear open clothes and do not even bathe in the sea. In the monasteries bake bread - it is the basis of the ration of local residents. Monks can afford to drink red wine for cheerfulness.

Here are collected unique manuscripts, books and miraculous icons. It is believed that everything in these places acquires special strength, every day a small miracle happens, for example, in the Serbian monastery of Hilandar there is a unique grapevine, the fruits of which help women to be healed of infertility. And this grapes sprouted from the coffin, where the remains of St. Stephen's monk, cut to monks, lie.

One of the most outstanding Athonite monasteries from the architectural point of view is undoubtedly Simonopetr, whose name comes from the name of its founder - Simon and the Greek word "petra", that is, "stone." The fact is that the monk Simon saw in a dream a sign about where and how he needs to build a monastery. So in the XIV century on a steep rock, a height of over two hundred meters appeared a majestic and rigorous building of seven floors.

Today, Athos is an autonomous state with an area of ​​almost 336,000 square meters, which has its own Charter, recognized by the Greek government, and representation in the Parliament.

Features of the peninsula

Access from the land is blocked by paramilitary guards, it's only possible to come to the peninsula on which Athos is located by sea, on a boat from Thessaloniki, having passed very strict "customs control."

Particular attention deserves the timing in this mini-state. The fact is that in different monasteries the beginning of the day is differently defined, so in some of them the new day comes at the moment when the sun sets, in others, on the contrary, the day begins with the rising of the heavenly body, and in the third live according to the time zone of Greece . Therefore, only here on one meridian people live in different times. In addition, the measure of the length of the path is the prayer, or rather the number that you can say on the road.

Visa for Mount Athos

Entry visa to the territory of Athos is limited to four days and is given to professors, teachers and students of theology, philosophy, history, art history, architecture and fine arts - to provide tourist information about the type of his occupation. "Profile" students are required to present a national student ID card. Russian tourists can get permission to visit Athos on the recommendation letter of the Russian consulate in the Ministry of Northern Greece.

Photo of the Athos (25)