What to see in Greece?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Greece, as well as Egypt and Turkey, has long won strong positions in the ranking of the most popular places for recreation of domestic tourists. The richest culture of this country is closely intertwined with modern and comfortable hotels, and well-kept beaches - with crystal clear water. The mild Greek climate, goats and olives are all that you need for a leisurely family holiday in the bosom of ancient nature.

Some experienced experts recognize that it is Greece that is the only independent state in which the ancient monuments per capita account for slightly more than the units of the European currency.

As in Egypt it is worth to look at the pyramids, so in this unique country one can not pass by the main sights of ancient culture.

First of all, when you are in Greece, you need at least a short while, but look into Athens. To see the Parthenon and all those unique buildings and structures that were built by the gentle Greeks long before the country became just a part of the European Union. To the list of places of interest to visit, it is also necessary to include the monastery of Daphne, the temples of the ancient gods, which have been preserved from time immemorial and survived to the present day, and much more.

However, in Greece, besides Athens, there is a huge number of other memorable places. So, for example, the island of Crete stands apart in matters of cultural heritage

The main attraction of Crete is the Palace of Knossos, which was built long before the beginning of our era and is still distinguished by so many successful engineering solutions that no modern house builders dreamed of..Naturally, about any ventilation, sewage and lighting systems, the ancient inhabitants of Crete could not even dream of even the most daring dreams .Therefore, they built the construction in perfect harmony with nature: natural solar lighting, a system of through-rooms for ventilation and volume cesspools .Some still believe that the Palace of Knossos was built by aliens after they were finished with the installation of pyramids in Egypt, but official science looks at it as inaccurate facts .More information on what to see in this sunny country can be found on the page of the sights of Greece .

May 7, 2013

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