The basic education in Greece consists of three levels: primary, secondary, higher. Primary - preschool - education is conducted in the last two years of the kindergarten. This is teaching the behavior in the team, and psychological adaptation to the school, and getting basic reading and writing skills.

The next level is basic education in the school. It is compulsory and is divided into an elementary school (6-12 years), a gymnasium (12-15 years) and a lyceum (15-18 years). Education in the Lyceum is conducted in the theoretical, practical and technological areas, lasts 3 years and is compulsory for those wishing to obtain higher education. Children who have reached the age of 14 and who do not have the opportunity to study at the Lyceum can attend evening schools or vocational schools.

Education in Greece is
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To be eligible to attend the evening school (gymnasium, lyceum or vocational school), you need to prove your employment throughout the day - for example, provide a certificate from the employer. Classes are held from 18:30 to 22:00. Since the classes are shorter, training in the evening school lasts not 3, but 4 years. In addition, in Greece there are evening schools, where in addition to general subjects are taught special. After 2 years students of such schools can enter a vocational school.

Secondary education is

Vocational schools in Greece are called TEE (Technique Epaggelmatika Ekpedefthriya) .According to the atmosphere and the quality of education, the latter are not analogous to Russian vocational schools .The education received within the precincts of such a school opens a lot of opportunities..Graduates of senior classes of schools are admitted without exams .The term of study is 2-3 years .At the end of the TEE students receive a document on secondary education, as well as a license with the right to work in the specialty and an advantage when entering the institutes of vocational education .

Education in Greece can be obtained in public and private schools, for the secondary school curriculum and the level of training are the same. Basic education in Greece is available to all foreigners.
Education Abroad Experience - Thessaloniki

Higher education is

Higher education in Greece can be obtained at universities with academic education (AEI) and in educational institutions with a technological education (TEI). In total there are 18 universities and 14 technical universities in the country. In addition, there are a number of specialized and private higher education institutions.

The most famous state universities are the Greek Open University, the National Athenian University. Kapodistriya, National Polytechnic University, University of Athens, University of Economics and Business, Aristotle, University of Social and Political Sciences. Pandio.

In Greece, you can apply for admission up to 20 different faculties of different universities, attaching to the certificate their list.

In Greece, a two-stage general education system has been adopted in higher education. The first stage is completed by obtaining a bachelor's degree. Its duration - from 4 years in the faculties of the humanities and natural sciences, up to 6 years in medicine. The second stage - obtaining a master's degree - can be completed both in the Greek university and in any educational institution of another country under the corresponding program. In Greece, this requires a postgraduate education for 1 to 3 years.

Tuition fee is

Public education in Greece is free, not only for the Greeks themselves, but also for foreigners. Moreover, the conditions of admission for students of other countries are quite preferential - you must provide a certificate of school education obtained in the country of residence and a birth certificate. For foreigners, entrance exams are not available. To enroll a student in the chosen faculty, the average score of the certificate is considered. That is, the better the assessment in school, the higher the probability of entering a more prestigious institution.

In Greece, you can apply for admission up to 20 different faculties of different universities, attaching to the certificate their list. At the same time, if a student is short for one faculty, an applicant may be offered a replacement.

Foreign students in Greece are provided with: free accommodation, meals, educational literature, insurance, as well as benefits for travel on all types of transport and residence permits in Europe for the duration of study at the university. Due to this, the student has the right to work part-time in his free time.

For applicants who do not speak Greek, paid language courses are obligatory, and at the time of their passage the place in the university is preserved. Their duration is from September to June, but there are also shorter intensive courses: summer (2 months) and semiannual (from December to May). Estimated cost - € 1000, € 600 and € 800 EUR, respectively.

The cost of registration of documents by a Russian company for admission to a Greek university depends on the time of registration and amounts to: May 31 - € 4200, from June 1 to June 30 - € 4400- € 4700, from July 1 to July 10 - € 4800- € 5200. ±​​$ The
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Parade of schoolchildren in honor of Independence Day in Thessaloniki
The wild beaches of Toroneos Bay, Halkidiki Education in Greece is
And here it's great to combine training with resting
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Education in Greece is