The waters of the famous lagoon really have a blue hue, which almost merges with the beautiful sky of Iceland. This wonderful creature of nature settled on a peninsula called Reykjanes in the south-west of the country. What is this amazing place?

The blue lagoon is a geothermal basin known all over the world. Moreover, it is really unique. The sky color lagoon is the most real symbol of the northern country and one of the most favorite Scandinavian resorts.


  • 1 How to get there and work hours
  • 2 Cost of visit is
  • 3 History of the lagoon
  • 4 Healing magic of the lagoon
  • 5 Everything for relaxation is
    • 5.1 Reykjavik and surroundings

How to get there and work hours

The resort is located 40 minutes from the center of Reykjavik and 20 minutes from Keflavik Airport.

The Blue Lagoon is open all year round, 7 days a week. From June to August - from 09.00 to 21.00, from September to May - from 10.00 to 20.00.

Cost of visit is

The ticket price for adults and children over 14 years old is 30 €, for disabled people - 15 €. For children under 13, admission is free. Visitors are also offered to rent a towel for 5 € and a robe for 9 €, so that by taking these things with you, you can save a little.

History of the lagoon

The Reykjanes Peninsula is almost entirely composed of a porous lava. This material is so loose that water simply seeps through the lava, as a result, cavities formed at different depths are filled with hot and even boiling geothermal sea water, the temperature of which reaches +240 ° C.

Due to the unique composition of water, the bacteria in the Blue Lagoon simply do not survive.

It is in the Svartsenga area that one of the most extensive high-temperature areas with geothermal activity is located. The history of the Blue Lagoon began when in 1976 a unique geothermal power plant was built in these lands, which used hot spring water for the benefit of the island's inhabitants. Soon a unique lagoon arose, which naturally formed on the site of the station. In 1999, the same-name resort was opened.

"Svartsengi" is the world's first geothermal power plant that performs combined production of hot water and electricity for district heating in the city. The station exists and to this day, the forces of nature provide the warmth and electricity of all modern Reykjavik.

According to one legend, the unique healing properties of the waters of the Blue Lagoon were discovered by one of the Icelandic power engineers, and this happened quite by accident. Bathed after a day's work, the hero was surprised to find that he had cured psoriasis.
Blue Lagoon

Healing magic of the lagoon

The water temperature in the lagoon, on average, regardless of the season, is about + 37 ° ... + 40 ° C. This indicator may drop slightly in windy weather, rain and snow, but the changes will be insignificant. Since the water in the basin is predominantly marine, it is saturated with a sufficient amount of salt, on average, the salt content is 2.5%, the hydrogen index is 7, 5. The depth of the lagoon averages 1, 5-2 m, due to which the water perfectly maintains the temperature. The width reaches 200 m, and the length is more than 2 km.

Due to the unique composition of water, the bacteria in it simply do not survive. Mineral salts contribute to the improvement of the whole organism. The water of the lagoon is also saturated with quartz, silicon, green and blue algae. It is thanks to the reflection of light by the particles of silicon that the water acquires a bluish tinge. Although the answer to the question about color is not so unambiguous: many argue that upon closer examination it can be found that in fact the water has a rather white color.

Healing muds contribute to deep cleansing and healing of the skin, algae have a softening effect and nourish it. The bottom of the lagoon is perfectly smooth, consists of white clay, which has unique healing properties.

5 things worth trying in the Blue Lagoon
  1. Of course, take a dip! And even better - do it closer to the night, watching the mysterious northern lights.
  2. Walk on volcanic lava, overgrown with moss. It's not so simple, but the sensations are unforgettable.
  3. Smear the face with white clay, as most guests do, feel like a real savage and make a couple of insane pictures.
  4. Experience the magic power of Blue Lagoon Skin Care's unique range of cosmetics and grab a couple of bottles on the road for gifts.
  5. Look at the agile ducks who splash with pleasure in hot water.
The blue lagoon in Iceland is Blue Lagoon
Blue Lagoon, Iceland Blue Lagoon
Reykjavik Thermal Springs Blue Lagoon
Tourists in Iceland Blue Lagoon

Everything for relaxation is

Today, on the site of the natural pool, a modern spa complex, numerous cafes, restaurants and a recreation area are built. The resort is very popular, more than 300,000 tourists from all over the world visit the lagoon every year.

In order to navigate the territory of the complex was easy and convenient, there are built numerous bridges. Even more picturesque this place is made by waterfalls.