Cheap flights to Iceland.
What do most travelers choose? Beach vacation in summer, skiing in winter and sightseeing tours all year round. A little less tourists are looking for exotic adventures in Africa or on distant islands.

But for ecotourism the ideal place is Iceland .You can get to the country only by air, so the flights to Reykjavik and other cities of Iceland are sent regularly .Cheap flights will help to find tourist search engines that allow you to compare the offers of hundreds of airlines, booking systems and ticket offices..You only need to specify the route and date of departure, and in less than a minute a table with matching offers will appear on the screen .On such sites, as a rule, the final prices are given including all taxes and fees .And to buy air tickets you need to go to the seller's website, where you can get to by clicking the "buy" button .

Many tourists are in vain afraid to go to Iceland, believing that apart from the ice there is nothing, and the weather is far from ideal, because even the country's name translates as "Land of ice" .Fortunately, this is far from being the case..Despite the fact that Iceland is located in the North Atlantic, its climate is soft enough due to the warm Gulf Stream .Iceland is an island of volcanic origin, so hot geysers, hydrogen sulfide springs and fumaroles are scattered throughout its territory..Here you feel as if on another planet .The landscape in Iceland is simply fantastic: everywhere there are craters and abstractions from frozen lava, sand on the beaches is black, the mountains are multicolored, and horses and lambs are grazing in green meadows, and there is a pair of springs .

Arriving in Iceland, you can stay in a first-class hotel or in a small cozy hotel, in a hostel or in a farmhouse. Accommodation for all tastes can be found on the sites of the largest online services (,,, and book a hotel without leaving home. And downloading in the AppStore mobile applications search and booking tickets, you can use their services anywhere in the world.

Iceland is very popular holiday in camping, horseback riding, rock climbing, ski and speed skating, fishing. You can swim in hot springs all year round. Adrenaline in the blood will add a trip to the super-giants, from which the Icelanders themselves are simply crazy. And unusual excursions are organized - whale safaris, delivering a sea of ​​delight to adults and children.

Discover the magical land of Iceland and enjoy an unforgettable vacation.