Kopavogur or Kopavogur (Kópavogur, translated from the Icelandic "Tulle Bay") is the second largest city in Iceland, located in the south-west of the country. Along with Reykjavik is part of the Heuvudborgshvaidid, the so-called "metropolitan region."

Kopavogur is one of the youngest cities in Iceland, therefore it can not boast of significant historical sites, but the city is considered an important industrial and cultural center of the country. Earlier Kopavogur was considered a suburb of Reykjavik, and the first buildings here were built during the Second World War.

In Kopavogur there is the biggest building in Iceland - the Smáratorg tower 77 meters high.
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How to get to Kopavogur

From Reykjavik, buses from Strætó city bus system organize a communication with the suburbs of Kopavogur.

Kopavogur occupies a central place in the metropolitan region, so through the city there are many roads, bus routes, pedestrian and bicycle paths connecting it to the rest of the region.

Search for air tickets to the city of Reykjavik (nearest a / p to Kopavoguru)


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 2 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 19 + 19 + 10 + 7 + 3 + 2
night -3 -2 -2 + 0 + 4 + 7 + 8 + 8 + 5 + 2 -1 -2

The climate is subarctic marine. Due to the warm current of the Gulf Stream, the climate in Kopavogur is much more favorable than in other localities located on the same latitude. Winter is mild with an average temperature of at least -10 degrees, and the summer is cool - the average July temperature is about + 11-12 degrees.

Shops and restaurants

The commercial life of Kopavogur is concentrated in the south of the city around the largest in Iceland mall - Smaralind. From the center of Reykjavik to the shopping center there is a shuttle bus number 2.

The Turninn restaurant is located on the top floor of the tallest building in Iceland, so there is a stunning view of the city from there. Most of the restaurants are located in the shopping center of Kopavogura - Smaralind.

Types of Kopavogur

Book popular Kopavogur hotels at the best prices

North Star Apartments from 3,377 rubles Kópavogur Hamraborg 7 Kriunes Hotel from 6 203 rubles Kópavogur Kriunesi Vatnsenda Hotel Smári from 4 204 rubles Kópavogur Hlidasmari 13

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Kopavogura

The oldest church in the city - Kópavogskirkja, whose construction began in 1958 - is located on the hill of Borgarholt, which offers a stunning view of the city and its surroundings, from which part of Reykjavik is also visible. The Lutheran church is made in the Art Nouveau style in the form of crossing two arches.

On the same hill is the Gerdarsafn Art Museum (Gerðarsafn, 1958) with a collection of sculptures and works of glass made by an Icelandic artist and sculptor Gerður Helgadóttir, the creator of the stained glass windows of the Kópavogskirkja church. On the same hill, the cultural center of Kopavogur is located with the Salurinn concert hall, opened in 1999. The Concert Hall is interesting both in its architectural appearance and its acoustic capabilities.

In the center of Kopavogur is the Museum of Natural History with a collection of shellfish and crustaceans of Iceland, as well as four huge aquariums with fish and other inhabitants of the ocean. And you can swim yourself in the largest geothermal heated pool in Iceland, located on the hill Borgarholt.


In the west of Kopavogur there is an ocean harbor, along which it is pleasant to stroll. Not far from the city there is a freshwater lake Ellidavatn, the eastern shore of which is part of the Heiðmörk reserve.

39 km from Kopavogur there is a geothermal SPA complex "Blue Lagoon", one of the most visited places in Iceland, and 40 km - the National Park Tingvellir, in 2004 included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.