Maria Dashkevich website

Ask the expert Maria - guide-interpreter, expert of the department of individual tourism in the company "India-tour" .Having graduated from FENU as a translator from Hindi and English, for more than two years she worked on a travel agency in Delhi .So Maria knows perfectly well not only the Indian language, but also India's excursion, the Goa hotel base and the subtleties of Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala..Maria visited and studied other countries of Southeast Asia: Nepal, Tibet, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, South Korea .However, since her student years her beloved country to study, travel and discoveries remains exactly it - India .

"India-Tour" - a professional tour operator, working with India since 1996. For more than 10 years we have been organizing trips to the most fabulous and most mystical country in the world - INDIA. We believe that our work expands the bridge of mutual understanding, trust and love between the greatest cultures and friendly peoples of Russia and India.

India-Tour Company is laureate of the National Annual Award "The Best Manager of the Year 2011".

India-Tour Company is a member of the Association of Tour Operators in the field of outbound tourism "TURPOMOSCH".

Our sites:

  • - the main site, sightseeing tours, author's, traveling on luxury trains, pilgrimage tours, yoga, meditation, vipassana, wedding in India, Nepal.
  • - Ayurveda + panchakarma = health and longevity + beauty and harmony, the best Ayurvedic resorts of India and Sri Lanka.
  • - rest in Goa.
  • - everything about Kerala - a paradise on the coast of the Arabian Sea.

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