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Russian citizens will need a visa to visit ancient and amazing India, which can now be obtained via the Internet, as well as in the old-fashioned way: at the consular section of the Embassy of India in Moscow (submission of documents via the Indian Visa Center), the Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg (similarly, filing documents - through the Indian Visa Center) and the Consulate General of India in Vladivostok .At the same time, there are a number of pleasant indulgences in the visa regime: one can come to Goa without a visa, but the passport will have to be "deposited" in the border service .The visa to India is issued for 3-4 days and is issued immediately three or more times, for half a year .The

Registration of visa online

To apply for an online visa, you need to apply to the TVOA website (Tourist Visa on Arrival) no later than 4 days before the trip, where to fill out the application form, upload the applicant's photo and scan the page with the personal data of the passport. The photo must be in JPEG format and "weigh" from 10 to 300 Kb, the passport - in PDF size from 10 to 300 Kb.

The questionnaire is filled in English, it is assigned a unique number, according to which you can track the readiness of the permit.

The visa fee is 60 USD. Payment must be made online no later than 4 days after filling in the form.

In case of approval, the visa permission will be sent to the applicant at the e-mail address specified in the application form. It should be printed and provided at the airport while passing border controls, and also carried throughout the whole trip to India.

Entry into India via TVOA is possible only through authorized airports in Bangalore, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Mumbai and Trivandrum. You can apply for this type of visa no more than twice a year.
Visa to India
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Visa to India
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Visa to India
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Visa processing through Visa Center

Required documents:

  • passport (valid for at least 6 months from the date of application for a visa) with at least 2 blank pages;
  • copy of the page with personal data;
  • a questionnaire filled out online, printed on 2 pages and signed personally by the applicant in two places: under the photograph on the first page and at the end of the questionnaire on the second page
  • 1 color photo 3, 5x4 cm;
  • travel agent voucher or hotel booking confirmation;
  • copy of the internal passport (the first page and the page with a residence permit)
  • a copy of air tickets in both directions.

A copy of the birth certificate is required for children. If a minor leaves with one of the parents, consent will be required from the second parent.

Russian citizens enjoy the right of free movement throughout the country, excluding areas closed to foreigners: some areas of Manipur, Sikkim, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. To visit such places, you must obtain a special permit in advance.
Visa to India Visa to India

Making a visa upon arrival in Goa

There is a possibility of obtaining a permit to stay in Goa TLF (Temporary Landing Facility) / TLP (Temporary Landing Permit) upon arrival at Dabolim Airport .Registration of this document from the point of view of Indian legislation is possible in case of following a group of tourists (no less than 4 people) who arranged a tour through an Indian tour operator .In this case, in advance, the Immigration Service is provided with a list of groups with passport numbers and a detailed route of stay .Tourists for the entire period of stay must travel only as a member of the group on this route and within the specified time frame .The

When a person arrives at the border, if he is on the list, an immigration officer takes a passport and issues a TLF / TLP form in return. On departure, at the passport control, the passport is returned to the owner in exchange for the form TLF / TLP.

A fee of USD 40 is payable for arranging the permit upon arrival. Other grounds for registration of TLF / TLP are illegal.

In practice, in Goa, there are a number of travel agencies issuing fictitious group tours .You can contact them directly or through some Russian travel agencies .For registration of the TLF / TLP it is necessary not later than a day before departure, to inform them the name, surname, passport and flight number, the period of stay .The firm submits a list to Immigrayshen Airport Dabolim .The tourist is informed of the name of the "receiving party", who will meet him at the airport and will take formalities for receiving the form TLF / TLP .The fee is collected either in advance, in the office of a Russian travel agency, or directly in Goa "the host party" .The fee can be from 125 to 180 USD depending on the prices of the intermediary company .The

Further, the tourist can move around Goa in accordance with their personal plans. However, due to the absence of the original passport, he can not leave the territory of the State. When departing from Goa, the passport will be returned to the owner in exchange for a permit form.

Without the assistance of an intermediary, it is not possible to receive a TLF / TLP upon arrival.

Visa to India
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Consular fee

The visa processing deadline is 3-4 working days, the consular fee is 1600 RUR, and the service center is paid 135 RUR. For children enrolled in a passport, the consular fee is the same.

The visa is valid for 6 months with the possibility of a triple or multiple entry. Since December 2012, the rule was repealed that between the trips to India on a tourist visa there should be a period of 2 months. Now a visa can be obtained immediately after returning from India.

For children who are inscribed in the passport, the consular fee is the same. The fee is the same for all categories of visas.

Citizens of Belarus and Ukraine - approximately 10 days and 1600 RUR. The validity of the visa is up to 30 days.

Urgent visa can be issued only through the travel agency, its cost depends on the period of registration. Registration for two days will cost about 120 USD.

Embassy and Consulate of India in Russia

Embassy of the Republic of India in Moscow

address: 105064, Vorontsovo Field 6/8
phone / fax: (495) 783-75-34, 917-22-85, 916-36-32

Consular Section of the Embassy of India

address: 105064, Moscow, ul. Vorontsovo Field 4
phone: (495) 917-48-35, 917-19-35

Visa center of India in Moscow

address: Nastasinsky lane, house 7, 1 floor
phone: (495) 638-56-54

Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg

address: 191123, St. Petersburg, ul. Rileyeva, 35
phone / fax: (812) 272-17-31, 272-19-88, 579-30-02,

Visa center of India in St. Petersburg

address: Liteiny prospect, 22
phone: (812) 957-22-84

Consulate General of India in Vladivostok

address: 690003, Verkhneportovaya, 46, PO Box 90308
phone / fax: (4232) 413-920, 413-956

Visa yourself! The August 25, 2014

Natalia Andreevna
Many are afraid to go independently in the visa center, and turn to travel agencies .. And in vain ..! travel agencies are scared a lot and they are losing money for 2000-2500 thousand. If an urgent visa is needed there (in the visa center) it is practiced, you can come and ask for an urgent extra payment of 2000 tr. and in 2-3 days will be ready. I made out a visa to the CC of SPb, I accepted the documents by the Hindu, very friendly. Previously had to sweat with the questionnaire on the site (I did not study English, so for me it was more difficult). Then came to the VC, I have ... Read full review