The length of the coastline of the island of Sulawesi is as much as 6 thousand kilometers, and almost along the whole coast are beautiful reefs. Therefore, diving there is one of the most intense and interesting in the world. The best places to dive are in the north of the island: the Bunaken marine reserve, the Lembe strait, the Bangka Islands group and the coastal waters of Manado.

Bunaken Island

The island of Bunaken is famous for just 13 dive sites, where you can see almost all types of coral fish found in Indonesia. The peculiarity of local sites is the walls, which are covered by fantastic coral up to 40-50 meters, and at greater depth there are sharks, napoleon fish and large stingrays. Currents are moderate, ideal for slow, relaxed drift along the walls. Recommended dive sites: Lekuan I, II & III, Sachiko's Point, Bunaken Timur, Mike's Point, Raymond, Fukui Point.

Diving near the island of Bunaken

Strait of Lembe

The strait of Lembe is teeming with strange and amazing underwater inhabitants. Divers, marine biologists and underwater photographers invariably find here rare creatures - sea horses, mandarin fish, sea spiders, snake-like eels, strange-looking crabs and shrimp. Recommended dive sites: Batu Angus, Mawali Wreck, Kungkungan Bay.


Manado is famous for its vertical walls, which go down to a huge depth. Their surface is covered with hard and soft corals, sponges and stars. At a small depth, scurrying flocks of pyramidal fish-butterflies and black triggers. Sharks, barracudas, moray eels, stingrays and sea snakes are also not uncommon. In good weather visibility under the water reaches 40-50 meters. Recommended dive sites: Muka Gereja and Tanjung Kopi.

Other places

Corals in the town of Bangka are especially mild, so huge flocks of colorful tropical fish circulate around the walls. Practically on every dive, there are decent sizes of sharks, napoleon fish, groupers and barracudas. The flow is strong enough, visibility is good.

South and Central Sulawesi can not compete with the northern part of the island in terms of the degree of development of the diver infrastructure .But still 150 virgin coral reefs, a huge variety of fish, beautiful visibility, unexplored "racks" of the Second World War, fantastic walls near the islands of Kapozosang and Lanyukang attract many fans of depth here..Unlike the northern province, where you can dive all year round, it's better to go to South Sulawesi from March to November .Recommended dive sites: the Spermond archipelago and the Tukang Besi, Togian islands, Ujung Pandang, Bira - Selayar .

Underwater world of Sulawesi, Indonesia Diving on Sulawesi
Indonesian corals.jpeg Diving on Sulawesi
Indonesia Manado Diving on Sulawesi

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Diving on Sulawesi