In the territorial waters of Indonesia, it floats, walks along the bottom, tentacles and moves by all other possible means a quarter (!) Of the world's underwater fauna. Among the coral reefs, sea anemones, gorgonians and sponges, marine stars, hedgehogs and mollusks, holothurians, colorful butterfly fish, angelfish, fish-surgeons and other colorful tropical cold-blooded live. From the "coarse" - tuna, barracudas, reef sharks and hammerheads, as well as manta rays and whale sharks. There are also several racks.

Water temperature - from +23 to +28 ° C, depending on underwater currents. Depth and relief - from the "children's" 10 m to the vertical reef walls, leaving for serious depths. Visibility is 20-40 m.

Popular dive sites: Bunaken marine park, Raja-Ampat bay, Mayo, Belitung and Komodo islands, Spermond archipelago, national marine park of the Sendravasi whale sharks. ±​​$ br > It should be borne in mind that for diving in conditions of strong ascending and descending currents, the level of preparation is not lower than Advanced (supported by the corresponding certificate).

Diving in Indonesia
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 Diving in Indonesia