Dublin University

Dublin, St College

 Irish Universities Dublin University is the oldest higher education institution in Ireland. It belongs to a group of universities under the unofficial name "old universities", which also includes the Oxford and Cambridge Universities in England and four universities in Scotland.

Irish National University in Galway

Galway, Rd University

 Irish Universities The city of Galway in the west of Ireland is the administrative center of the homonymous county. The history of the city dates back to the 12th century. In terms of occupied territory, it is the fifth city in the country, an important seaport and an educational center.

Limerick University of Ireland

Limerick, University of Limerick

 Irish Universities Limerick is a county in Ireland, its history takes its toll beginning from the distant 5th century. This city is the third largest city in the country with 70 thousand inhabitants. It is understandable that in such a large (by the scale of Ireland) and a prosperous city there should be a higher educational institution.

Ireland is quite a popular destination for tourist visits, and it is not surprising, because the postcards of this beautiful country in many ways lose to landscapes , seen first hand. But Ireland is even more popular among foreigners for getting education - secondary, higher, and also for passing various educational programs and courses. And this is also not surprising, because the Irish education is in no way inferior to the education of England and many other countries, and the country's universities are included in the ratings of the best in the world.

The whole system of higher education in Ireland consists of three parts. It directly universities, technological institutes, and also colleges - private and state. Universities offer training for bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as doctoral studies - these are mainly independent scientific research and the subsequent defense of their work. In addition, various programs and courses are available at universities, after which diplomas, certificates and certificates are issued.

Irish education is in no way inferior to that of England and many other countries, and the country's universities rank among the best in the world.

The most important distinctive feature of Irish universities is that the education in them gives the opportunity to devote themselves entirely to science . That is, in fact students of universities in this country are educated for the most part not for practical use I obtained the knowledge, and for further improvement and new scientific discoveries . Irish universities are perfectly equipped research centers . But the technological institutes give already more practical knowledge oriented to the modern needs of the industry .

The name "Irish National University" is understood as the union of the universities of Ireland - 4 founding universities and 5 colleges.

Among the universities - Dublin University, Dublin City University, Limer Ike University, and the National University of Ireland with subdivisions in the cities of Dublin, Mainut, Galway and Cork . For universities and colleges (Royal College of Surgeons, Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Institute of Public Administration, National College of Art and Design, Shannon College of Hotel Management), part of the National University of Ireland, there is a general structure of ten faculties .

Among the popular (and in the whole world also) specialties such as jurisprudence, sociology, engineering, the National University of Ireland also studies Celtic disciplines.

Choosing a higher education institution in Ireland, it is first of all to decide what kind of specialty you need. Remember, not all universities are located in Dublin (there are only four of them here). You can study in other cities of this picturesque country - in particular, in Limerick, Cork, Galway, etc. To live here will be much calmer if the student is going to really devote himself to science - this is the best option.

But if you are going to plunge headlong into the turbulent and noisy life of the capital of Ireland, go to Dublin. Here you will find the Dublin unit of the National University of Ireland, Dublin City University, just Dublin University (one of the oldest in the country) or Dublin University College.

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Universities of Ireland