I really want to go to Israel to see the world's sights (Jerusalem, etc.). But my passport ends on August 10, 2014, that is, less than six months before the end of its validity. Tell me please, if I go to Egypt in the next 3 weeks and there I'll take an excursion to Israel, will they let me on the border? In my passport, I already have an Israeli visa (last year I went in with the excursion, but the snow fell and we were turned around).

Responds Marina Tereshina, Unex company
Mandatory requirement: at the time of entry into Israel until the expiry date of the passport must be at least six (6) months. Make out a new passport. During a one-day excursion from Egypt to Israel it is not possible to see all the sights of Israel. You spend a lot of time on the road, but there are very few in Jerusalem. On Jerusalem is not enough even one day. I recommend to come to Israel for a few days and see more attractions: Jerusalem, Jaffa, the North of Israel and much more.
Responds Bobrova Ekaterina, Head of the Israel Department of the Russian Express Company, $
Official requirements of the Israeli border service: the validity of the passport is 6 months.

We had tourists who entered the country with passports, the validity of which was less than 6 months. But one hundred percent guarantee that you will be admitted, no one will give you.

February 13, 2014

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