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The Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock

Jerusalem, Ha-Shalshelet

Sights of Israel Crowds wishing to touch the Wailing Wall constantly intersect with pilgrims hurrying to the main Muslim shrines of Jerusalem. This is the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

The Wailing Wall

Jerusalem, Ha-Shalshelet

Sights of Israel The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is the main shrine in Judaism and one of the most famous religious sites in Israel, which can be seen not only by the believer, but also by anyone who wishes. The main thing is not to forget that the Wailing Wall is the place where people pray.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Ha-Shalshelet

Sights of Israel Today, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is located in the heart of the Christian quarter and includes, besides the place of the crucifixion of Christ, also a tomb where the Son of God was buried and subsequently resurrected. The tomb is the main altar of the temple and the place of pilgrimage of Christians.

Azrieli Center

Tel-Aviv, Azrieli center

Sights of Israel To visit a metropolis like Tel Aviv, and not to see the panorama of the city from the height of a skyscraper - means to deprive yourself of an amazing spectacle of harmony and beauty of the modern creation of human hands. For those who do not want to miss a single opportunity, an observation deck is opened

Archaeological Museum of Rockefeller in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Str Sultan Suleiman, 27

Sights of Israel The Rockefeller Museum, which used to be the name of the Palestinian Archaeological Museum, is located in the eastern part of Jerusalem. Here is a large collection of artifacts discovered during excavations under the Palestine Mandara in the 1920-1930's.

World Bahá'í Center

Haifa, Sderot Hatsiyonut

Sights of Israel The Baha'i faith was formed in the religious trend in the mid-19th century, and in Haifa its main administrative and spiritual center is located. The center includes a temple and gardens in Akko, as well as the gardens and the Shrine of the Bab, which are on the slope of Mount Carmel, in Haifa.

Golan Heights

Golan Heights

Sights of Israel The grandiose Golan Heights, forming an ancient mountain plateau of volcanic origin between the Tiberias Lake (Kineret), the canyons of the Yarmuk River and the Syrian border. Picturesque terrain offers hikes and picnics.

Gornensky Convent in Ein Karem, $

Jerusalem, Ein Kerem

Sights of Israel The Gorny monastery is a convent in Ein Karem, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, which in Arabic means "a source in the grapes." It is believed that it was here that the Mother of God came to visit one of her relatives.

House-Pagoda in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Montefiore, 41

Sights of Israel The name "pagoda" the house got because of the styling of its sloping roof under Japanese aesthetics, however this is a very exaggerated comparison. In addition to Buddhist, there are oriental motifs, medieval Christian, Moorish, and even modern aesthetics.

House of Quietness

Jerusalem, Str. HaRav Kuk, 9

Sights of Israel Quiet and peaceful House Quiet is a great place to feel the atmosphere of Old Jerusalem, getting acquainted with the work of your beloved artist of Israel, Anna Tycho. The museum occupies the former house of the artist and her husband, Dr. Abraham Tycho.

Road of Sorrow

Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa

Sights of Israel Another important Christian shrine of Jerusalem is Via Dolorosa (it's the Way of the Cross and the Road of Sorrow). It is believed that it was this way that Jesus walked from the place where the verdict was announced to the place of execution.

The Eleutonian Savior-Ascension Monastery in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Har HaZeitim (Mount of Olives)

Sights of Israel The Olive Savior-Ascension Monastery is a nunnery located on one of the peaks of the Mount of Olives or Mount of Olives. According to legend, here was discovered during excavations a stone on which the Virgin stood during the greatest event.

Zoo in Haifa

Haifa, Str.HaTishbi, 124

Sights of Israel The Haifa Zoo, bearing the name of Louis Ariel Goldschmit, is a great place for a family visit. Originally it was created in 1949 by Pinchas Cohen as a small farm of pets, a place for lessons in the biology of a nearby school.


Galilee, Kefar Nahum, National park - Synagogue of Capernaum

Sights of Israel On the shore of Lake Kinneret in northern Israel is the ancient city of Capernaum. In the Christian world, he is regarded as the city of Jesus Christ. It was here, according to the Gospels, the main preaching work of the Messiah was carried out.

The Catholic Monastery of Our Father in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Har HaZeitim (Mount of Olives)

Sights of Israel The Catholic monastery Our Father or Pater Noster belongs to the Order of the Carmelites. It is believed that the basilica was erected over a cave in which Jesus Christ taught the apostles the "Our Father's Prayer."

Monastery of Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane Garden

Jerusalem, Har HaZeitim (Mount of Olives)

Sights of Israel The Gethsemane monastery of the Bethany community of the Resurrection of Christ, founded in 1934, is located on the Mount of Olives, in the area at the foot of the western slope, where Jesus Christ was praying on the night of the arrest.

Monastery Onufry the Great in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Hakel Dama

Sights of Israel The monastery of Onuphrius the Great is a Greek nunnery erected in the southern part of East Jerusalem. The temple of the monastery was erected on the site of a Hebrew burial cave carved into the rock.

Monastery of St. Anne in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Muslim Quarter

Sights of Israel The Monastery of St. Anne is located in the Muslim quarter of the Old City. Its location is chosen not by chance. Under it is a cave, which was once part of the house of the Virgin.

Monastery of Stella Maris

Haifa, Derech Stella Maris, 23

Sights of Israel From the most ancient times, Mount Carmel was revered as a holy place, and any belief in this matter was explained in its own way. Monk-Carmelites reached the mountain in the era of the Crusades. The patron of this order was Ilya the Prophet, who lived, as we know, in a mountain cave.

Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God on Mount Zion

Jerusalem, Mount Sion

Sights of Israel The Monastery of the Assumption of the Mother of God is a Catholic abbey in Jerusalem on the summit of Mount Zion. According to legend, it was in this place that the Apostle John theotokos lived until the very last minute of life.

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The Promised Land, the birthplace of the three religions, the cradle of civilizations. The grandeur of the historical value of this region can not be overemphasized. A motley picture of the streets of Jewish cities, multinational hubbub, artifacts of major world religions make thousands of tourists thrive in the hot, amazing Israel. And the proximity of natural monuments, which are the Dead Sea, the Negev desert, the formidable Judean mountains, a number of sea resorts, helps cope with the fatigue of excursion everyday.

Israel is a tiny piece of land surrounded by seas, forests, mountains and deserts; the state, suffered and built by the generations of its people; A holy place where the three most important world religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity - were united together. It is not surprising that the country is attracted by endless streams of tourists from all over the world: ancient and modern are so elegantly and organically combined here, it is very rich in various monuments of architecture, history and culture - the most important traces left by man and god.

One of the most remarkable sights of Israel can safely be called the holy city of Jerusalem. This city, one of the oldest in the world, leaves an indelible impression not only by the sense of closeness of God, but also by the unthinkable combination and intertwining of monuments of different cultures, times and religions.

A stunning view of this ancient and beautiful city opens from the summit of the Mount of Olives: before your eyes there will be an inflorescence of domes of mosques and churches, the valley of Kidron and the majestic walls of the Old City.

In Jerusalem, there is one of the most important Christian shrines - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, countless times destroyed and rebuilt again. The place of crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ attracts millions of pilgrims from all over the world every year. Here goes the famous Via Dolorosa, along which Jesus went on his last journey - to Calvary.

The most important wealth of the Jews is the Wailing Wall, stretching for half a kilometer, and from the earliest times absorbing the prayers of the Jewish people, keeping in the crevices between the stones the notes with the desires that are bound to come true.

The modern breath of Israel is concentrated in its "secular capital" - Tel Aviv.

The city of Nazareth, located in the north of the country - is another expensive place for Christians in Israel, a sacred city, where the childhood and youth years of Christ passed. A city saturated with many myths, described in divine books and historical chronicles. In Nazareth is the Temple of the Annunciation, the largest of the temples of the Middle East; Orthodox Church of the Archangel Gabriel and other Christian churches.

The modern breath of Israel is concentrated in its "secular capital" - Tel Aviv. In 1909, in ancient Jaffa, the Jewish Quarter was founded, which eventually grew into a beautiful city, a life that pulsates day and night. This is one of the largest cities in Israel and its business center: it is here that the offices of the country's largest firms and banks, foreign embassies and residences of international corporations are concentrated.

Tel Aviv is a city of cafes and restaurants, nightclubs and prestigious hotels, picturesque beaches and colored doors, a city on the coast, sparkling with whiteness of expensive yachts, inviting the atmosphere of comfort and prosperity. Now Jaffa, once an important Mediterranean port, is a Tel Aviv area, a beautiful historical monument and cultural center, enveloped in legends and memories, winding through ancient streets and binding people's souls.

Haifa is another delightful city by the sea, the industrial and scientific center of the country. Here stands the famous Mount Carmel, on the slopes of which extends one of the largest reserves of the country. Here are the famous stepped Bahai Gardens. Haifa is also full of museums, including the Museum of Arts, the National Maritime Museum, and the huge Tel-Shikmon excavation zone.

In the north of Haifa lies the ancient city of Acre, whose fortress Acre, the Monastery Hospitaller and the Al-Jazzar Mosque remember the times of the Crusaders, and are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.