The seas of Israel attract a huge number of tourists every year, offering a full range of services - from beach holidays in the Mediterranean and Red Seas to treatment at the Deadly $$ .The longest is considered the Mediterranean coast, from time immemorial attracted the ancient peoples with its strategically advantageous location, mild climate and abundant resources .Today you can find beautiful beaches with golden sand and gentle descent to the water, azure sea, big waves for windsurfers and well-developed infrastructure..

The resorts of the Mediterranean allow you to luxuriate under the warm rays of the sun almost all year round .The eventful history of the coast, which began many millennia ago, left behind numerous monuments of architecture - traces of the stay of different peoples..The Red Sea washes the southern part of the country .Its coast covers a small area, which, nevertheless, is enough to attract tourists .Eilat Bay - a great place to relax, especially for fans of diving .The rich underwater world of Eilat - the dream of any diver .On the territory of Egypt, part of the resort zone related to the bay is called Taba .About the unique features of the Dead Sea know everything .Beginning with the fact that the surface of the water does not drown, since it is covered with an "oily" film, and ending with the medicinal properties of the microelements that make up the sea .Cosmetics based on salts and minerals are in great demand not only in Israel, but also far beyond its limits..Numerous SPA-resorts, in particular Ein Bokek, high-quality clinics offer a wide range of treatments in order to cure many chronic diseases .Even an independent one-day trip to the public beach will make it possible to arrange a mini cosmetology room right on the shore of the Dead Sea..

Three seas of Israel

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the largest seas on the planet .Its name comes from the ancient Greek language and in translation means "the sea in the middle of the Earth" .The resorts of the Mediterranean are in great demand and are known around the world..Israel is washed by the sea in the west .The long coast stretches for at least 240 km .All the beaches are sandy, among them there are both private and public .Private - a minority, so that not every hotel has its own place for resting .Some municipal beaches are not equipped with everything necessary for comfortable rest..

The Mediterranean is traditionally called the cradle of many world cultures. The basin of this sea became the birthplace of the first societies. The highest prosperity these societies achieved in the ancient era.

The main resort cities on the Mediterranean coast of Israel are Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Netanya. Fine sand, high-class hotels, with budget options, good service and the ability to move around the city in any form of clothing, unlike Israeli religious centers, - the virtues of local rest.

The Dead Sea (eng.)

Red Sea

Red Sea - Inland Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean .It is not known exactly where his name came from, .According to one of the versions - from the ancient Egyptian language, in which the same word denoted both the desert and the red color ."The sea of ​​desert lands" - this is the name the Egyptians called this place in the distant past .The underwater world of the Red Sea is diverse, however, unfortunately, due to years of neglect of the flora and fauna, it is now on the verge of extinction .Attempts to preserve unique plant and animal species are undertaken both on the territory of Egypt and in Israel, which is washed by the Eilat Gulf .

Eilat - the most famous resort in Israel, with magnificent scenery and a wonderful underwater reserve. Mountains, desert, clear sea and nearby coral reefs attract fans of outdoor activities - divers, lovers of sailing, etc. The bottom is rocky, so the approach to the sea is carried out either on a pontoon or in special shoes. But the corals growing right by the shore allow you to enjoy the underwater beauties.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a vast lake between Israel and Jordan, in whose water, because of the high level of salinity, only protozoa can exist, but not fish and animals. The unique mineral composition not only treats chronic skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, but also calms the nervous system. All kinds of cosmetic procedures with Dead Sea mud work for the benefit of the skin of the body and face.

Healing properties of the Dead Sea were known in ancient times. It is believed that Cleopatra herself used mud to maintain her beauty. Moreover, she allegedly equipped one of the military campaigns to seize the coastal territory only because of the proximity of this natural source of useful trace elements.

Most of the beaches are rocky. Where there is a private territory, there are special handrails for convenient descent into the water. Entry into the water only in special shoes, as it can be injured not only on the shore, but also in the water. Long "sit" in the sea is not recommended. Two visits a day for twenty minutes - that's enough. But sunbathing in the sun can be all the time, without fear of scorching. A natural filter created by the evaporation of the sea will protect the skin.

Active fishing in the Galilee Sea of ​​Galilee Sea of ​​Israel
Sea of ​​Galilee
The Tel Aviv coastline is $ $ Sea of ​​Israel
Mediterranean Sea and Tel Aviv
View of the Dead Sea from Mount Sodom Sea of ​​Israel
The Dead Sea from Mount Sodom