Hello. Can you please tell me the use of "Visa electron" or "Visa Golden Mask" bank cards when paying for services and purchases in Israel will not cause any problems? Or is it better to take cash? At what time of the year is it better to have a rest in Israel?

Responds Marina Tereshina, company Unex
About your bank cards, please contact your bank and find out if the card will work abroad. I recommend that you bring a small amount of cash with you in case of unforeseen circumstances.

In Israel you can rest all year round. From September to May - rest on the Red and the Dead Seas. From May to October - rest on the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of ​​Galilee.

On the tour you can go all year round. Air conditioning is available in buses and in rooms. It is believed that in Israel it is very hot in the summer. But it is not always the case. For example, last year in mid-July the air temperature in Tel Aviv was the same as in Moscow. In Jerusalem it was even cool in the evening, as it is located in the mountains.

May 5, 2014

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