The city of Akko (Akko) is located in western Galilee on the Mediterranean coast of Israel, 18 kilometers north of the city of Haifa. Acre - the city of the crusaders (Acre of the Crusaders), where among the guests in the halls of chivalry canteens were Saint Francis of Assisi and Marco Polo.

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How to get to Acco

By bus from Haifa (fare 11.7 shekels, travel time 30-50 min) and Nahariya (7.6 shekels, 15-20 min). From Haifa and Nahariya, trains run to Akko (12.5 shekels, 30 minutes and 7.5 shekels, 15 minutes, respectively). The fare is indicated for May 2011.

Public transport in the city is represented by buses, you can also catch a taxi. In the Old Town it is convenient to walk.

Search for airline tickets to Tel Aviv (nearest Akko bus)


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 16 + 15 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 26 + 28 + 29 + 28 + 26 + 22 + 17
night + 11 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 18 + 22 + 24 + 25 + 23 + 21 + 17 + 12
of water + 17 + 17 + 17 + 19 + 21 + 23 + 26 + 26 + 27 + 24 + 24 + 20

Summer is long, warm and dry, and winter is quite mild. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in December-February.


The Acre market stretches along the main road of the Old Town, the Market Street, which existed during the Crusader times and crosses Acre from north to south. The market sells fish, vegetables, spices and oriental sweets, and it is open throughout the week until 17:00.

The bazaars of the Old Town are of interest. So, the Turkish bazaar, built in the late 18th century, is located in the central part, south of the Al-Jazzar mosque. Now in the market there are tents selling souvenirs for tourists. The bazaar is open to visitors throughout the week until 18:00.

Panoramic Acco


At the old bazaar in Akko, you should try hummus, which is a snack of chickpeas, and baklava.

Most restaurants, both expensive and not very expensive, are located along the beach. Hummus Said and Elias Dieb & Sons restaurants prepare Middle Eastern cuisine.

Book popular Acco hotels at the best prices

The Efendi Hotel from 16 189 rubles 'Akko Louis IX St.
Rimonim Palm Beach from 5 540 rubles 'Akko Sefat Hayam PO. Box 2192 Acco Beach Hotel from 7 818 rubles 'Akko Derech Harbaa 1

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Acco

From the sights can be identified the walls of Acre, built between 1750 and 1840, and surrounded the city from the land and from the sea; the fortress of Acre, built in 1750 on the ruins of the Hospitaller Monastery. In the fortress, you can especially highlight the dining room, built presumably in 1147-1160, and an underground tunnel connecting the northern wall of the fortress with the port in the south.

The Al-Jazzar mosque, also known as the "White Mosque" - one of the largest mosques in Israel, was built in 1745 on the ruins of the Templar church.

In Akko, the buildings of the inns - khans were preserved. Khan Al-Umdan was built in 1784, Khan Al-Farandji is the most ancient khan of the surviving to our days. And Khan A-Shuarda is in an abandoned state - now the building of the khan is given for warehouses and garages, however in its territory the crusader tower is in good condition.

One of the most beautiful sights of Akko is the Turkish bath, Hamam Al-Basha, built during the time of the Ottoman Empire.

In Acre is a tunnel of the Templars, which was built in the late 12th century. and connected the Templar fortress, which has not survived to this day, and the seaport, located in the east. The length of the tunnel is 350 m.

One of the most beautiful sights of Akko is the Turkish bath, Hamam Al-Basha, built during the Ottoman times by the order of Pasha al-Jazzar. Until now, the remnants of a water pipe, built on the orders of Suleiman Pasha and stretching along the highway connecting Acre and Nahariya, have been preserved. Outside the Old City is the most beautiful synagogue in Israel - "Or ha-Torah" ("Light of the Torah").


Every year, Sukkot or "Feast of Tabernacles" is celebrated in Akko, one of the main festivals of the Jewish people, when it is customary to live not in the house, but in the sukkah (tent) and remember the wanderings of the Jews along the Sinai desert. An alternative theater festival is taking place during Sukkoth.

Photo of Acre (9)