Israel: about everything little by little
Lyudmila Lapinskaya

The hardest thing to write about what everyone knows is .Israel is very close to Russia: there were many here, and the rest here have relatives or friends .Those who can afford it, visit holy places in Israel .Other, no less wealthy tourists, go to Eilat or the Dead Sea coast .But, in addition to the rich program for visitors that our country has to offer, there is also the simple routine of Russian Israelis .And we like to travel around the country no less than foreign tourists, to study each corner .Thousands of people hurry to the swamps to watch the rare birds, go to Ramat HaGolan to watch the eagles, gather in special places to see a meteor shower at the designated time .Sea resorts are also popular - but these can be weekend tours "by interests" .

In order to receive new country-specific impressions, you do not even need to travel in Israel.

Europe, Africa and the Middle East live next door, brought by emigrants from all over the world .Representatives of completely different cultures have to coexist in very close contact, periodically not understanding each other - but they are forced to cope with such a huge difference between the dark-skinned and curly Ethiopian and "Russian" grandmother, who was brought from under Gomel's grandchildren, and who so and has not learned the language over the past ten years .And the Moroccan hostess, who carefully keeps her house, just cleaned it and collected all the garbage right in front of the entrance, is unlikely to meet understanding from her Georgian or Moldavian neighbor .On the other hand - it's great to go to each other's house and try dishes of completely different cuisines, which everyone brought back from his first homeland .European Ashkenazi Jews like to cook fish, but the Sephardim, people from Middle Eastern countries and Maghreb, are treated with spicy dishes with a huge amount of spices, in which we do not understand anything .

Jerusalem, Israelhttp: // export = view & id = 1AKxKILLeA_PmK3JC4sVSHqdKM0UcSBQx Israel: about everything little by little

In Israel they love to eat, that's why there are a lot of products from all over the world .When I want to buy something "such", I go to the Jerusalem bazaar, which occupies the street of Ben-Yehuda and adjoining lanes .There is a shop selling dozens of halva, a store selling over eight hundred varieties of cheese (and I'll definitely leave half of my salary there), there you can buy any exotic fruits and even medicinal infusions, decoctions, potions .Here is the bench of the Yemenite healer Uziel: he is known throughout the city as the bearer of a special gift in the seventh generation .Perhaps, I should somehow stay and with less irony to take his trademark recipes from the citron .

Ben-Yehuda's bazaar is almost the same as the "mall" in which Americans habitually spend their holidays .There are shopping, restaurants, communication .People come to the bazaar for the atmosphere, to go to the old pharmacies, to the chocolate merchants, to look at designer clothes in very expensive shops, who are right there .However, clothing is not the main object of attention - in Israel there is no cult of the brand, on the contrary, things are valued, made by hands, even at home .This is also exclusive .Maybe this is another manifestation of the freedom of thinking .

In general, Israel is diverse - that's why it's really interesting to live here. Just leaving the house, you get into a new journey with your little discoveries and new horizons.