What is the opening hours of Israeli shops?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The working week for most stores in Israel starts on Sunday, and ends on Friday in the afternoon .This is due to the fact that on the evening of Friday begins Shabbat, which lasts until Saturday evening .In Judaism, this is a sacred time, the seventh day of the week, when you need to rest from any work, as God did, who created to this day everything that exists .Therefore, in 8 .00-9 .00 stores, and at 14 .00-15 .00 are closed .This happens every Friday and the eve of all holidays .In the rest of the time, outlets operate up to 19 .00-22 .00 .In hot parts of the country, here and there, there is still a two-hour day break, a kind of analog of the siesta .However, this does not apply to supermarkets and shopping centers .In addition, literally in every city there are shops belonging to Christians or Muslims who arrange themselves a day off on Friday or Sunday .So the days when it would be absolutely impossible to buy food, souvenirs and t .д ., in the end not, although to look for working on Saturdays stores will have .

June 29, 2011

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