Can I get a tax fare in Italian shops?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Tax-free (Tax-Free) is a program of reimbursement to the buyer of VAT (value-added tax) .Created this system, dear to the heart of every shopaholic, Global Refund .Shops with the inscription "Tax-free" are in many countries, including Italy - $ .In Milan, Palermo, Rome and other cities of the country you will print out a special check in which you enter your data .This document is then stamped in the appropriate customs office of the airport, which is easy to find by marking VAT-refund .Money either returns there at the box office, or upon return to home $ ±.Pay attention to the fact that tax-free returns only if there is a check, and it is not issued everywhere, as a number of stores in Italy do not pay VAT to the state or are not included in the global Global Refund network .Nevertheless, the possibility of registration of tax-free should be asked everywhere: often after such a question, Italian sellers make out to the buyer a discount of .

July 1, 2011

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