The Italian language (lingua italiana) is the official language of Italy, the Vatican (along with Latin), San Marino and Switzerland (along with German, French and Swiss Romansh).

Greetings, common expressions

Good afternoon, good evening Bon Giorno, Bona Sir + $
Hi, until Chao
Good bye Arriveverchi
Thank you Graces
Please Prago, perfavor
Sorry Sucker
I do not speak Italian $ ± Non parlo italiano
I do not understand But the Bishop
What is your name? What is it kyama?
My name is ... Mi kyamo ...
Yes Ci
No But
I love you! Io te amo!
You go! Ma shaft! Mano!
How to get to St. Peter's Square? Come si fa ad adriarriva and piazza san Pietro?
Wow, that's not a whopping $ ± Cuesto Magarie consumes andare
What a pity! Peccato!
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For the good of the case

Girl, you have a beautiful chest, your name is not by chance Bellucci? Bella! Ai delle tette perfette! And propofoto, il tuo konyome neon e Belucci?
Where is the nearest trauma center? Was it done in a succorso?
I did not push the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it fell itself Non sano stato yo and spinger la torre di Pizza, e cadut da sol
My wife is lost. The last time I saw her, she sat in a red Lamborghini Mia moya si e persa. Lultima Volta keelo Vista, the era of Seduta su suna Lamborghini Rossi
You yourself are a cuckold! Il cornuto qui, sei tu
Friend, I want to sell one ticket to Moscow. Wolier vander un un billetto per Mosca
Who does not work, he does not make love Ki-no lavora, non-fa l'aamore
Out of sight, out of mind LontAno gave okki, lontoAno gave a kuore
Friendship friendship, a snuff apart Patty Khari Amichitsya Lunga $ $
All is well that ends well Tutto e`bene, kuel ke keis bene

Figures and numbers

Zero Dzero
One Uno
Two Douay
Three Tre
Four Cuatro
Five Cinqueque
Six Sei
Seven Sette
Eight Otto
Nine Nove
Ten Dyachi
Eleven Undići
Twelve Додичи
Thirteen Tradici
Fourteen Cuadordici
Fifteen Quindichi
Twenty Valve
Thirty + $ Trent
Forty-$ Quaranta
Fifty Cincuanta
Hundred Cento
Thousand Mille
Million Un milion

Shop, transport, restaurant

Where are tickets sold? Do you have a velvetongo and a billiard?
Where do they get the luggage? Do you think sirity'ra il bah'ala?
I want to rent a car Vorra'y nolej'ra un auto'bile
Where does the bus stop? Do you think we have a business?
Where is the train station? Do you think it's ferroviaria?
Which train should I take to get to ...? Keh tre'no de'vo pren'dere per arryva'ra and ...?
Please, two return tickets perfau're, do'e billi'tti anda'ta ritor'no
Is it possible to park a car here? Si Pooo 'parkjia're kui'?
How to get to the beach to avoid getting hit by a car? Kome arrivo alla spiaja sentsa esser investto da una makkina?
Call, please, a taxi Mi poo 'kyama're un ta'xi, perfavore?
How much is? Ku''nto ko'sta?
Could you give me a discount? Do you think it's scoopy?
Can I try it on? Did the Prossso fail?
Account, please Il konto, per favore
Can I finish this here and take another two liters with me? Posso finirere la bevanda qui e prendermi altri do e lithrica casa?
Delicious! Buonissimo!

Swear in Italian

Damn, horseradish and izhe with them (the most popular curse) Cazzo!
What the fuck do you want from me? Ke katstso vooi yes mi?
Stink Puzzles
Son of a bitch Filho di Putana
What a shit Ke Scytho
Отвал Watten
The girl with the big breast (compliment) Tetton
Bullshit Каволата
Scapegoat $ $ Karpo espiratorio
At the worst, Nella Pegiore Dell'e Mortgage
You go! Ma shaft! Mano!
Neither skin nor rye Brutta Komel il pekkato mortale
From him, as from a goat of milk Э un buono а нулла
I do not care about it Non-me ne frigate niente
What a cunning! Ma ke furbo
Seventh water on a jelly Parente lontanissimo