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University of Pisa

University of Pisa (Università di Pisa) - one of the oldest universities in Europe, whose history can be traced from the 11th century. The status of the university he received on September 3, 1343, today the total number of students is about 57 thousand, and the number of faculties - 11, including it is the most prestigious in Italy, the Higher Normal School.


Pisa University was established by decree of Pope Clement VI on the basis of local schools that existed since the 11th century. Initially, they taught theology, canon law, civil law and medicine.

In 1403, after the capture of the city of Florence, the university did not work, which continued until 1473, while the efforts of Lorenzo de 'Medici did not resume training. In 1494 the university was evacuated, located in different cities, again returning to Pisa only in 1543 under Cosimo I. He also established the University of Botanical Garden in 1544

By the end of the 16th century, the University of Pisa has become one of the most authoritative in Europe, especially in the field of law and medicine. Among the famous students of the University Galileo Galilei, who also worked here as a professor of mathematics from 1589 to 1592, was spotted.

University of Pisa
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Today, Pisa University consists of 11 faculties and 57 departments:

  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Foreign languages ​​and literature
  • Mathematics and science
  • Medicine and surgery
  • Political Sciences
  • The right is
  • Agriculture
  • Economy
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Philosophy

In addition, it includes large research centers on agriculture, computational mathematics, astrophysics, engineering, veterinary medicine and medicine.

Contact Us

Università di Pisa
Address: Lungarno Pacinotti, 43 - 56126 Pisa
Phone: +39 050 221 2111

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University of Pisa