Like a spacious Arabic shirt, the "suria" spread out Jordan on the map of the world and invitingly waving to us with a wide sleeve, beckoning to the lunar banks of the Dead Sea and the sandy beaches of the Red Sea, to the amazing rocky quarters of Petra and to the "laryngeal space" of the Wadi Rum desert, sung by Lawrence of Arabia , to the remains of the once drowning in the luxurious greenery of the oases of the caliph's residences and to the foot of the impregnable stronghold of the Crusaders in Karak.

Rest in Jordan is a pleasure not only for the soul and mind, but also for the mortal body. On curative mud and in the unique microclimate of the "minus mark" number one, you can thoroughly strengthen the shaken health, and those who do not have a staggering - to eat the best in the Middle East sweets and cheer up the "anise"

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Plunge into history and religion

Historical sights in Jordan would be more than enough for the entire Middle East region - almost every stone that a tourist foot will set foot on will surely turn out to be ancient .A distinctive feature of the Jordanian "excursion" - a wide range of epochs - from the sites of the Bronze and Iron Ages and the Eneolithic settlements to the Roman cities, the breathtaking Nabataean churches of Petra and the medieval Arab baths .Another important chapter of Jordanian history is the biblical events and places associated with them: the burial place of Moses on Mount Nebo, the fortress of Herod the Great in Mukavir (it was here that Salome received the head of John the Baptist as a reward for the dance), the place of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River, the cave Jesus in Gadara and the place where the Savior healed two demon-possessed people..The air of medieval Christianity can be inhaled in the Karak Castle - one of the bastions of the Crusaders .

To contemplate landscapes

The first must-see for admirers of the eternal beauty of the planet Earth - Wadi Rum Desert .Pinkish-yellow, richly pink and almost pomegranate sand alternate with rocks, wind-blown arches, canyons and wells from rocky rocks .Here you can see the oldest rock carvings - their age exceeds 4 thousand years, stay overnight in Bedouin camping and in the silence of the eastern darkness contemplate the myriad of such close stars .And with the first rays of the sun, in which the desert literally burns with a scarlet glow, just as silently soar in a balloon over the boundless, as if listening to your heart,.Connoisseurs of underwater beauty will appreciate the azure waters of the Gulf of Aqaba gushing with a variety of colorful aquatic life, and fans of the "trophy" - romantic shaking in the SUV's cabin on a table-like central plateau .

Types of Aqaba, Jordan Holidays in Jordan
Beach holidays in Aqaba
Ancient Petra, Jordan Holidays in Jordan
For excursions - to Petra
Types of Amman Holidays in Jordan
Amman - the capital of the country

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In Jordan, do not feel deprived and want to relieve stress and improve health - for such there are mud and viscous - not even water - the oily substance of the Dead Sea .Hotels on the Jordanian coast of this very salt water reservoir on the planet are just nothing, but each offers a truly royal service .In addition, the local hospitals are equipped with the most modern equipment, and many years of experience can successfully treat a variety of diseases - from common acne to asthma, infertility and muscular dystrophies..Well, if you want to take a piece of Jordan with you, we advise you not to chop off pieces of the ancient temples of Petra, but to pay attention to the miraculous mud of the Dead Sea: a couple of tugriks, a cheerful assembler and several cellophane packages - that's all you need to arrange in a Moscow bath " -Jordanian ».