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Accommodation in Kenya and Tanzania is very diverse: from luxury villas, safaris and resort hotels with a full spectrum of entertainment to hotels of entry level with a shared bathroom and kitchen for $ 10 per night. Also, camping sites are more popular here, where accommodation will be even cheaper.

Expert Reviews of Kenya hotels

 Kenya hotels
Editions Thinness
In Nairobi There are several networks of inexpensive hotels of the level of three and four stars. As a rule, they accumulate around them a real recreation area, and the tourists who settled in them rarely go beyond such zones. For those wishing to explore the surroundings or take a walk in the parks (for example, in the famous Tsavo), individual excursions are organized.

In hotels 3 * and above you can count on clean rooms, a shower with a bathtub and some nice restaurants. One- and two-star hotels are most often used by locals - when settling into a room make sure that everything suits you. There are also several historic hotels here. For example, Norfolk in Nairobi exists from colonial times.

In Zanzibar, in the capital of Stone Town, there are several traditional Arab hotels - their interiors, furniture and accessories are made in a unique Zanzibar style: four-poster beds, Persian carpets, antique furniture. However, off the coast of Zanzibar there are many traditional hotels that go directly to the beaches.

Log cabins on the safari

Accommodation in local safari parks will suit tourists with absolutely different budgets. There are tent camps (lodges) with the maximum number of amenities, there are offers easier with accommodation in small hunting lodges and there are campsites as the simplest and cheapest option. The plus of this rest is undoubtedly nature. Wild animals will roam around you, exotic plants will grow. At any time, you can use the services of guides.

Stationary campgrounds (lodges) are about a dozen spacious so-called tents under a thatch or wooden roof, with their own large terrace, and sometimes even with a pool and a summer shower. Local food here is always quality and tasty, tourists are offered a variety of entertainment.

Middle-class housing is located in picturesque places, but in itself it looks quite faceless. Although here a good service is offered for quite reasonable money.

Camping is the simplest option of housing. Cold shower, sleep on hard ground, cook cooking food on open fire - but also proximity to nature, the life of Aborigines and moreover for very little money. Unity with nature as much as possible: here at night you can hear the roar of a lion. This is mesmerizing.

So-called mobile campgrounds, moving from place to place depending on the location of animals, are ideal for those who want to travel in the thick of migration and experience themselves in conditions of living in the wild with animals nearby. Experienced local guides are required in these camps.

Kenya Safari Camps are usually networked, within which a similar service is offered for an equal price.

  • Porini Network presents four safari camps with an emphasis on ecotourism .
  • Offbeat Safaris "grew" from traditional hunting safaris, and have four camps in the most popular hunting areas.
  • Governors or so-called. "Federals" is a developing "family" network of tent camps of various levels, originally established in Masai Mara, and now opening offices near Rwanda and winning new horizons. For example, their new safari centers are currently unique in the country, representing the experience of tourists living in gorilla habitats. In addition, they have their own "air communication" on balloons.
  • In Southern Kenya, near the coast, there is Southern Cross Safaris, which has several small camps in Tsavo Park with access to magnificent beaches.

International hotel chains

Now in Kenya, several hotel chains of foreign owners are developing. As a rule, these are luxury hotels for rich people. But, unfortunately, chic interiors on always guarantee the corresponding service: decent staff is sorely lacking. That is why accommodation in camps safari for many remains preferable. Among the "foreign" hotels in Kenya, Beyond stands out - perhaps the best hotel chain in East Africa, with worthy representations in Masai Mare and Pemba with the best guides.

In Kenya you get exactly such a service that you paid for. The only option to save on housing without losing in comfort - accommodation in the hotels during off-season, when many discounts come into effect.