This small neighbor-Baltic has long attracted all connoisseurs of beauty from all over Europe. Its number of palaces, temples and castles is impressive. Here, fans of shopping rush to buy and always remain happy with the visit.

The capital of Latvia - Riga is called behind the tiny Paris. It is clear that it is no accident. The eyes of the guests, as a rule, are directed towards "Vecriga" - an area where dozens of historical values ​​are concentrated, each of which is beautiful in its own way.

The highlight of the area is the Dome Cathedral, which was built in the thirteenth century. There is an organ in it, which, according to its size and grandeur, ranks third in the world. Be sure to go up to the observation deck of the cathedral: it is located in a beautiful turret, high enough to admire with its admiring panoramas of the entire old capital.

 Latvia. Another Paris  Latvia. Another Paris

Walk through the Lesser Castle Street, where the "Three Brothers" live . So three buildings are built next to each other in the sixth century . There you have no problems find the temple of St. Jacob, which by age passes around all the other churches in Riga. - $ . The peculiarity of this parish is that its bell is outside, it bears the name - "The Bell of the Unfortunate and the Sinful" . Local legends say , that earlier his place was exactly on the bell tower . But he started to call whenever he passed by some woman who cheated on her husband . So the bell rang without stopping, and only a change of place helped to keep the silence in the city .

By analogy with the French main city, Riga is characterized by an abundance of greenery . Walk and relax on the Bastion Hill, the square near the Opera House, Espalande and Kronvald Park. Here everywhere, giving romantic and cozy waterfalls and fountains, slides with flower beds.

Tired of walks, Riga offers a quiet evening for coffee or tea. Since we used to be one big country with Latvia, the Russian language is understood by many and there should not be any special problems in communication.

Riga does not like sleeping. Nine evenings have repelled numerous hours on ancient towers and - please: cocktail bars and nightclubs are waiting for their guests.

Riga does not like sleeping. Nine evenings have repulsed numerous hours on ancient towers and - please: cocktail bars and nightclubs. Girls usually have the option of free admission. Also all the night long you can simply walk around the streets of Riga, or spend time in cafes-restaurants. To drink alcohol after 22:00 here it does not turn out - sale of alcoholic beverages after this time and till the morning is forbidden by the law acting on everyone.

We saw the capital - come to Liepaja. Here you will admire the steel swing bridge, which is more than a hundred years old; Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas. And here you can spend time or night in ... prison. Such on vacation you still did not offer? In Лиепаи will offer! Entertaining stories, metal dishes, gloomy corridors .... $ $

And how can you talk about Latvia without mentioning Jurmala? Here for you - crystal air, cleansed by dunes and pines, the Baltic shore and cultural programs.

Little Paris is not only Riga, but all of Latvia!

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