Volcano Ankaratra


Madagascar Attractions It is worth to drive just 50 kilometers from the capital of the island to Antananarivo - and you can stumble upon a ridge of extinct volcanoes. Here, a few centuries ago, robbers hid from persecution.



Madagascar Attractions Another famous national park of Madagascar, located in its central part, near the homonymous village. In the park, the hills and gently sloping valleys covered with tropical evergreen forests are surprisingly coexistent. Local residents believe that this is one of the most beautiful parks on the island.


Ile Sainte Marie

Madagascar Attractions The island of St. Mary (or Ile-Sainte-Marie) became a home for foreigners who came to Madagascar for permanent residence. Such a ghetto, built up by hotels and restaurants and diluted with clean beaches.

Forest of Kirindi


Madagascar Attractions 60 kilometers north of the city of Morondava is the Kirindy forest, the best place in Madagascar to study animals that are nocturnal. Rare species of mammals and birds play in the forest, three unique species of baobabs grow.



Madagascar Attractions Mahadzanga is a city beloved by many tourists and Madagascar's second largest port. One of the largest shopping centers, where modern civilization borders on the buildings of the colonial era.

The Dead Lake in Antsirabe


Madagascar Attractions This is an empty lake, there is no life. Although strange - the water temperature should be suitable for most fish and algae. But something did not grow together, and so the lake was called Dead.


Antsiranana (Diego-Suarez)

Madagascar Attractions This is the most visited national park in the country. They generally in Madagascar a lot: here you can almost at every corner to open their own reserve. But it so happened that tourists more than others fell in love with the Montagne d'Ambres.



Madagascar Attractions Perine National Park is located in the eastern part of Madagascar. There are rain-covered evergreen forests, home to the largest population of lemurs indri. By the way, they are quietly neighbors with other animals.

Tsingi de Bemaraha


Madagascar Attractions The reserve Tsingi de Bemaraha is located on the west coast of the island. Tsingi-de-Bemaraha was created to protect karst landscapes and different types of lemurs. Its area - for a second - 150 thousand hectares. The landscape of the reserve is not easy to walk. For the most part it consists of impenetrable labyrinths. These are ridges of limestone teeth, which locals call "scurvy", which means "walking on tiptoe."

The island state of Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean near the eastern shores of Africa..It is rumored that once the island was part of the mainland, but subsequently broke away and retired to the ocean .The Malagasy nature, developing thousands of years in absolute isolation, has reached unprecedented riches and diversity: 90% of the species of local animals and plants are absolutely unique and not found anywhere else in the Earth .Therefore, among the main attractions of Madagascar, first of all note its natural resources: national parks, lakes and waterfalls, mountains and caves .

The Malagasy nature, developing thousands of years in absolute isolation, has reached unprecedented riches and diversity: 90% of the species of local animals and plants are absolutely unique and not found anywhere else in the Earth.

In the north of Madagascar near the town of Antsiranana stretch the lands of the same national park .The highlight of the area - bright limestone formations of the most bizarre forms, towering over the sea for several tens of meters .Tsingi painted in orange and bright red and clearly stand out against the backdrop of lush greenery .Similar in structure landscapes are also found on the west coast of the island in the Tsingi-de-Bemaraha national park .Here spiky stone spiers in aggregate form a kind of real forest .And the reserve is called in the people - "Stone Forest" .

In ancient times, the plateau of Bemaraha was below sea level, but in the process of mountain building it rose up several hundred meters. Rain water, accumulating in the fissures of rocks, gradually deformed them, turning them into freakish ridges. It took several millions of years to create the Tsing nature.

Another miracle of the nature of Madagascar - the volcanic lake Tritriva, is located in the central part of the island. It is a sacred place for the Malagasy people, enveloped in myths and legends. Tritriva is famous for the fact that in the drought the water level in it rises despite all logic, and the objects thrown into the water mysteriously appear with time in the valley. Here, nearby, near the city of Antsirabe, is another mysterious lake - a dead lake. It looks quite normal, the water temperature is normal, but for some reason there is no life.

The most visited reserve of Madagascar is the national park Montagne d'Ambr. Despite its rather modest size, it is famous for its very attractive landscapes, beautiful lakes and waterfalls. According to the legend of Malagasy, it is here that the spirits of ancestors live.

To get acquainted with the man-made sights of Madagascar, it is best to go to the capital of the island - Antananarivo. Here at an elevation of almost 1,500 m proudly stands a beautiful palace complex of the late Middle Ages - the royal palace of Rueva, which for a long time was the only stone structure of the city. Another famous architectural monument of the island is the palace of Andafiavaratra, in whose building the archaeological museum of Madagascar is now based.

The Malagasy land has an extremely rich and unique natural beauty. The original culture of the local people, the original cuisine, the amazing architectural and historical memories together represent Madagascar as a fabulous and even somewhat fantastic place, which is easy to fall in love with.