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In the Maldives, there are hotels in which you will feel like in paradise, and in terms of service and in terms of the surrounding nature, and there are those in which you just have a good rest.

Expert reviews about hotels Maldives

Hotels in Maldives
Yevgeny Yuryev CEO of INTRAVEL Stoleshniki
The main criterion for getting into a fairytale paradise is the cost of a hotel, not its category in catalogs or the Internet.

Official classification of hotels in the Maldives is not, therefore, rarely, but there are embarrassments when the expectations of tourists from rest are not justified .The difference between some five in the Maldives, both in price, as a decoration, furniture in rooms, in maintenance, flora and fauna of the location itself can be quite significant .Therefore, the trivial advice - before traveling to the Maldives, save enough money to have a choice and you could buy a tour to the hotel in which you will feel comfortable with Robinson Crusoe .The

If you choose a luxury expensive hotel, pay attention to the international chains presented in the Maldives in large numbers, they all have official sites with reliable information and photographic materials, but if you still have to save, and take a hotel, so to speak, of local production , better listen to the advice of your travel agent.

If you have already rested in the United Arab Emirates, then the hotel base of this country in the top line of hotels is comparable to the Maldives in terms of service, food, quality and decoration of rooms, but the architecture and the concept of recreation in these countries is different.

Peculiarities of staying in Maldives

Maldives is not called so casually, because officially it is 19 island atolls. Atolls is a cluster of small coral islands. The objects of accommodation in the Maldives are more correct to call island resorts, and not hotels, because, as a rule, a resort hotel is a separate island.

Although we are talking about the hotel base in this section, we can not but say that when choosing a resort you should take into account its geographical position, the type and cost of the transfer to it. Prior to some hotels you will have to fly the local Air Maldives, there are islands where you can go by helicopters, water planes, br>

Except in the capital Male, there are no high-rise buildings on the islands. The structure of hotels-resorts - it houses, cottages, bungalows, villas, chalets, there are many names, but the essence is one, all buildings are low and, as a rule, stand alone, with the entrance to the room from the street. The main building, if you can say so, is usually the reception, not far from the main pier, with the attached restaurant (s), bar (s), shop, sightseeing and information office.

The houses on the territory are located, as a rule, along the coast and they can be divided into 3 types:

  • bungalows that are as if in the depth of the island
  • bungalows that are on the beach and have access to the beach
  • bungalows that stand in the water on stilts.

To small houses on piles, as a rule, conducts a bridge, but it happens that you can get to such a house only by boat. Unusually look toilet, shower, bathroom, they are often taken out to the street, which does not reduce their comfort.

There are no significant restrictions on the territory of the resorts. "No news, No shoes" is the motto of the islands, so with rare exceptions, you will be asked to dress a dress or suit in the restaurant, basically access to all places is possible barefoot, in slippers and in beachwear.

Do not forget that the main religion in the country is Islam, and among the staff is enough local residents, so it is better to choose beach clothes.
It is impossible not to mention the features that concern the general restrictions, but can affect the choice of the hotel and the type of food .The importation of alcohol into the country is prohibited, therefore, if you like to miss a glass of beer, wine or whiskey on vacation, prepare to buy alcohol at the hotel .Alcohol is there and a mini bar in the room, and in bars, and restaurants .The prices are acceptable, and if you do not drink beer with boxes and whiskey boxes, then there will be no big expenses, but if you are not an amateur, but a professional, take a look at the cost of resorts operating in the all inclusive system, which includes alcohol .The

Types of recreation in the Maldives

Rest in the Maldives, this is primarily the sea. And numerous coral reefs provide a variety of marine life and flora, so the islands - a paradise for diving and fishing. Various diving programs, many types of fishing, all this is offered by each resort-island and depending on the geographical location you can hunt for marlin, or plunge to see a whale shark. If the details of diving or fishing are important to you, then it's better to choose an island of residence based on them.

The romance of the islands attracts couples in love with the Maldives, wedding ceremonies are very popular. Dinner for two you can order yourself not only in a secluded corner under the open sky, on the island where the resort is located, but in some places you can take out to a completely uninhabited island, where only you and the two of you are together in a tender sea and starry sky .

As for the family holiday, the children will be bored without water parks, animation and other usual entertainment. But this can all be replaced by snorkeling, feeding rays, sharks, and of course children's clubs, as a rule, there are resorts.