Are there any Russian speaking diving instructors in the Maldives?

Responds Veronica Birman, the company "Exotic Time"
Yes, in some hotels - constantly, in some - seasonally.
Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
October is just the beginning of the season in the Maldives. It is believed that diving centers in the Maldives - one of the best in terms of coaching (including Russian-speaking), and the organization of diving. Far from always always works the rule that the larger the diving center, the more likely that there is a Russian-speaking instructor here. Our compatriots work here in different diving centers and often move from island to island.

Knowledgeable people recommend visiting several islands - most have hotels with dive centers, you can choose a place to your liking and find a suitable instructor. In order not to be mistaken at once, you can first go to Kuramathi, one of the largest Maldivian islands. The local diving center Ocean Pro has a Russian-speaking instructor. At Ari Atoll, in San Island, the Little Mermaid dive center has a Russian-speaking instructor. Or island Royal Island, dive center Delphis Diving Center.

It is also known about Russian-speaking instructors on the islands of Midhupparu, Rannali, Ellaido.

September 30, 2013

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