Flora fauna
The Maldives are an amazing natural community of many unique species of flora and fauna . Let it not surprise the tourist who went on vacation to the Maldives that some of the islands of the archipelago are devoid of lush thickets - sandy beaches bordered by coconut palms create a feeling of pristine purity, and in this their special charm is . But if you are on one of the many islands rich in tropical vegetation, there really is what surprise $ . Bread, Indian fig tree, bamboo, banana tree, heliotrope, hibiscus, tropical grapes ... Not to mention the different types of palm trees that tourists here meet everywhere - $ .

Wonderful climate Maldives is favorable for cultivation of vegetables and fruits: sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, melons, mangoes, pineapples, papayas, etc. are cultivated here. - $ No less exotic is the fauna of the Maldives. In the evenings, for travelers who flew to the Maldives for a vacation, it is unusual to meet with close-flying bats: fruit bats and flying foxes. Brightness of colors here is often pleased by the bright lizards and geckos flashing in the sand. Here, too, you can meet very large sea turtles that land on the shore in order to make a clutch - do not frighten them away!

Maldives are notable for the variety of parrots of all conceivable colors. In addition to more than 20 species of herons living in shallow coastal waters, here you can observe zuyka, snipe, curlew, sandpiper, tern, sea gulls.

Maldives is traditionally considered a unique place for diving and photo hunting under the water, as coral reefs around the islands are real houses for countless mollusks, echinoderms and crustaceans, and in the blue lagoons between the reef and shore, and distant waters behind the reef, thousands of small and large species swim, bizarre and beautiful, flexibly gliding in the water representatives of the fish world.

Shellfish-kauri - one of the most common species of mollusks in the Maldives; the shells in the past were used by the Maldives as coins. In the Maldives, there are many sea scallops, shellfish, oysters.

Travelers going on holiday to the Maldives, perhaps, should be careful in the water because there are abundant sea echinoderms, whose calcareous needles are quite sharp: this starfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins. It's better to avoid painful contact with them.

There are a lot of crustaceans in the Maldives: shrimp, lobster, lobster . It turns out that shrimps work as ocean orderlies: they join larger underwater inhabitants (fish or echinoderm) and clean them from parasites . Lobsters, leading an active life at night, it's pretty hard to see . And for crabs it's very interesting to watch: hermit crabs hide in empty shells that are carried by a wave, and move along with them, like snails , but just running! There are crabs that masquerade as shingles - to find them, a tourist in the Maldives has to become a naturalist, and everyone here does it with pleasure .The underwater world of the Maldives is so rich, there are so many amazing fish species even in the coastal waters that snorkellers (now called snorkeling) will be able to see not only butterfly fish and parrotfish, but also to meet the sea angel and the Moorish idol ... And divers can easily swim next to the largest in the world and the most peaceful (it eats only plankton) a rare whale shark . And above the head of this diver, according to legend, must necessarily sweep a mysterious flat cloud - AT manta .