The Maldives annually visit hundreds of thousands of tourists, who were captivated by the pristine nature of these places. When planning to go to this paradise, every tourist tries to get acquainted with information about the country, about the hotel, to exclude unpleasant situations and fully enjoy the vacation. In this article, we will discuss some important points that should be considered when planning and during your stay in the Maldives.

How prices are formed in the Maldives

Maldives is a resort country, living at the expense of developed infrastructure for tourist resting .Therefore, accommodation in a hotel or hotel, catering, any service is subject to a tax of 18% .Almost in all hotels when forming the final check, the resulting amount is increased by 10%, which is a tip for the hotel staff .That's why all tourists are warned that tipping cash does not necessarily mean .However, if you really really like the work of the rumboi cleaning the room, or the waiter, then you can thank them with a bill of 5 American dollars .

Already from whom you can expect unauthorized attempts on your budget in the Maldives, so it's for vacationers .How does this happen? Yes, it's very simple .Roughly taking a walk in the local bar for a tidy sum (because the prices in the Maldives are not democratic), an unscrupulous tourist can indicate in the check the number of your room or bungalow, while saying your name that you could hear at the time of your registration .Before your departure you will receive a check in which this amount will be present, so experienced tourists are advised to pay for rest not before leaving, but during the stay, carefully checking the contents of the check .If you find something suspicious in it, then you must ask the manager for the check that you filled out and make sure it's true $ ±.If on the check is not your signature, it is not filled with your handwriting, then you are entitled to demand from the hotel administration to exclude this check and not pay it .

Water bungalow, Male, Maldives

Signature of documents

Many tourists are captivated by the thrill of water entertainment, widely advertised in the hotels of the Maldives: snorkeling, diving, parasailing, races on an inflatable banana and t .д .When ordering a particular service, you must undergo safety instruction in Russian (which is not always observed) .Then you will be offered to sign a document according to which you confirm that you have been instructed and take full responsibility for possible accidents .Remember, before you sign a document, you should familiarize yourself with its content .If you do not know English, then you may well require a transfer from the hotel administration .

Language barrier

Unfortunately, not all hotels have staff that knows the Russian language .Despite the fact that the main flow of tourists to the Maldives is exactly our compatriots, the rate in communication here is made in English, recognized international .If you do not have enough English to communicate, you can experience some inconvenience .In these cases, you should seek the help of a representative of a travel agency or ask for help from compatriots who do not have difficulties communicating in the language of "Misty Albion" .

Being settled in hotels Maldives, many of our compatriots are delighted by the beauty and sophistication seen. However, it is the loss of vigilance that sometimes causes all trouble. A competent organization of rest and control of your accounts issued by the hotel in the Maldives will allow you to avoid insulting situations and get only positive impressions from rest.