The Almighty created for eternal love, Maldives - the number one destination for wedding ceremonies "in a foreign way" $ $ .In contrast to domestic registrars of varying degrees of fun, the Maldivian newlyweds are offered rustling palm crowns and concomitant exotic vegetation, instead of "in the name of the Russian Federation ..." sounds incomprehensible but enticing melodic douvelian overflows, and bustling relatives on both sides are absent as a class - expensive, , stops .Among other things, the wedding ceremony in the Maldives has another important property - the exchange of oaths and rings here is purely unofficial and is not fixed in any exposing documents .This means that absolutely everything can bind people's hearts: gray-haired old men and enthusiastic starlets, dvoezhyontsy and hidden from the legitimate spouses of the beauty, finally - a young, frivolous (but sufficiently provided) generation from the category "what you did not warn that this body-gadget for life ».In a word, lovers of all ages - you have a direct road to the Maldives!

Wedding in the Maldives

Ceremonies are standard ...

"Options by default" of the wedding ceremony in the Maldives - the traditional boat "Doni", garlands of flowers and national costumes for the bride and groom, the manager of the ceremony, he is also "brawling", and other lovely delights: decoration of the hotel room with flowers, a bottle of champagne and a festive breakfast as a gift .Usually a significant day is built as follows: in the morning the newlyweds are preparing for the ceremony separately - the groom is offered a 2-hour relaxation in the spa center, the bride - hairstyle and other marapets .Then the future husband goes to the meeting place of the spouse - to the intricately decorated symbolic altar, as a rule, on the opposite side of the island or at all - on the nearby uninhabited atoll .A little later, the bride appears in the carriage or the palanquin (if the case is on the "native" atoll) or sails from the azure distance of the ocean to the "doni" .The couple meets on the shore and, showered with flower petals and rice, comes to the altar .The ceremony organizer pronounces a simple but painful speech: invoking the elements of Water, Air and Earth, he holds together the union of two hearts .The couple exchanges oaths, rings and kisses - and voila! - the bride and groom become husband and wife .Then the newlyweds go on a honeymoon around the islands with a picnic or come back home to sail on a romantic cruise on a yacht with a supper .Their room in the hotel is decorated with great care, and in some cases for the first night in a new quality lovers are provided with a secluded luxury hut away from prying eyes and ears..The next morning they are waiting for a delicious breakfast for two, delivered to the room .

Tropical sunset in the Maldives Wedding in the Maldives
Tropical sunset
Relax in North Male atollhttp: // export = view & id = 1XjhhKWtBqL-3oY-_7cEWTn5eocnxqPMp Wedding in the Maldives
Romantic dinner
Romance Maldiveshttp: // export = view & id = 1fh4PnPwGiFU0rgxbUDJ6AqRU6GdsabNd Wedding in the Maldives
Newlyweds - gifts!

... and exceptional

For convicted divers and just those who want to "wind up" as much as possible in the wedding ceremony, the Maldives proposes marriage under water .In this case, the instructor of the rite is the dive instructor, and as witnesses, silent and consonant fishes and other representatives of cold-blooded ones are involved..You can dive in both national wedding suits, and in European clothes - a tuxedo and a white dress, or in wet suits .Boat- "Doni" takes away from the hotel guests and takes them to the blue lagoon - the temple of love, where the immersion is .

Before the altar set on the bottom, the couple exchanges soundless, but from this no less eloquent vows of fidelity, the dive manager holds together the union, and ... "now the groom can take off the mask and kiss the bride" .Then the newlyweds return to the beach and continue the festive program "on the air" - a cruise around the islands, dinner on the beach, a secluded picnic on an uninhabited atoll and t .д .Another option for an exceptional wedding ceremony is the signing of marriage documents aboard a seaplane .True, this is not in flight - the plane is parked in the middle of the azure lagoon, but impresses at least $ ±.Decorated with flower petals, garlands and ribbons "ceremony room" on the water - an exotic sight even according to the Maldivian standards .

Wedding Ceremony in the Maldives

Where and how much is

Wedding ceremonies in the Maldives are in great demand, and to invite guests to consolidate their hearts in Maldivian regards as their duty each of the numerous "rezorts" .The louder the name, the more elegant the ceremony is arranged and, accordingly, the more expensive it will cost the newlyweds .For example, on Ari Atoll "rattles" weddings in hotels of Hilton Maldives Resort & SPA and Nika Maldives .The first is famous for its dive center, suitable for experienced divers with a mask and scuba divers, as well as for novice divers - that's why the underwater wedding ceremonies are held here cheerfully .And it is in the "Hilton" you can combine marriage in a seaplane with a romantic name Chapel of Love, and after that go on a cruise on a long ocean yacht .In Nika Maldives they bet on privacy - the western side of the atoll is uninhabited, and the rite is held there .In the luxury Kanuhura Beach & SPA Resort (formerly One & Only) on Laviani Atoll, the ceremony is luxurious, pompous and yet very traditional - with national Maldivian "bodu-beru" drums, palm branches, mantis, silk sarong for the bride and extensive retinue .The wedding is held here on a separate, specially rented island of Jehunuhur, and for the night the newlyweds are left in an individual luxury villa .

The cost of the wedding ceremony in the Maldives starts from 700 USD for a standard set of options - a land ceremony, a dhow cruise and a dinner on the beach, a night in a decorated room and a festive breakfast in the morning .In addition, you can pay stylist and spa services for two, photo and video, a drummer orchestra and a dinner with an individual menu with French champagne..Dive wedding will cost at least 1000 USD, and the ceremony on board the hydro-capella of love - in the amount of 1300 USD .For the festivities in Kanuhura Beach & SPA prepare to give from 2700 to 3600 USD - in the latter case, everything is really included, and even beyond that - from the rental of European wedding suits to the discount certificate at the wedding anniversary celebrations in the same hotel .But the most important is priceless - delightful memories of a fabulous union of two loving hearts in the heart of the primitive nature of the Indian Ocean islands..

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Wedding in the Maldives