What is the weather like in the Maldives in June?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The Maldives has a warm summer all year round. Air even in the coldest nights does not cool below +25, and the water pleases with the same temperature. Nevertheless, in June tourists may be waited with unpleasant surprises, the first of which can be called rain. The weather this month is affected by the south-west monsoon, which brings precipitation to the islands. As a rule, they are warm and do not last long, and in abundance they lose in September and October, but the sky is mostly cloudy. Although for those who do not tolerate scorching heat, this is not bad. The second "gift" from the monsoon is the strong excitement caused to them by the water, sometimes up to storms. Swim in the meter waves can be scary even at the shore, and about swimming to coral reefs in this weather and not to be dreamed. Most often such troubles are episodic and do not spoil the impression of rest.

July 12, 2011

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