Comino Island (Comino) is the "younger brother" of Malta and Gozo. He is in the strait between them - north of Malta and south of Gozo. The Maltese name of the island, "Kemmuna", is associated with the word "zira", "cumin" (Cuminum cyminum). This spicy plant was cultivated on the island many centuries ago. Comino is inhabited - it is home to 4 people, not counting workers and guests of the only island hotel.

How to get

From Malta - from the town of Martha (Marfa), from where the ferries depart for Comino. In the summer months, they walk every hour from 9.00 to 17.00, in April-May and September-October - from 10.00 to 16.00.

It is never superfluous to ask the captain how much the last ferry sails. Especially this applies to the off-season!

From Gozo - by boat from the Hondoq ir-Rummien Bay in the vicinity of Qala village.

The local hotel also organizes shuttle service for its guests.

Search for air tickets to the city of Valletta (nearest a / p to Comino)

How to call

8-10-356-telephone number


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 15 + 15 + 16 + 19 + 23 + 27 + 30 + 30 + 28 + 24 + 20 + 16
night + 9 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 14 + 18 + 21 + 21 + 20 + 17 + 13 + 11
of water + 14 + 14 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 22 + 19 + 16

History of the island

Comino has never been involved in Malta's eventful history, but since prehistoric times he has been inhabited. This is hinted at the graves found at Santa Maria Bay. The island also found fragments of pottery, lamps, amphorae, as well as coins of the Roman period. From the bottom of the bays of St. Nicholas and Santa Maria understood the wreckage of anchors from Roman ships.

Even in the Middle Ages the rulers of Malta understood that the Comino must be strengthened, but the fortifications were built only by the Knights-Johannites: the tower (with a garrison and 5 cannons) and a battery of St. $ .Mary .In a brief but very dramatic for the country "French period" a small island turned into a kind of concentration camp, where exiled sympathizers Napoleonic ideas and collaborators .The English, having settled in Malta, built an infectious hospital on Comino - it was easier to observe quarantine for those soldiers who fought abroad .From the tower of Sv .Mary watched the Southern Strait (between Malta and Comino): does anyone carry smuggling?

Despite the fact that the stony soil of the islet is not suitable for agriculture, several times people have tried to cultivate this land. And to this day on Comino remained scattered stone hedges, an abandoned bakery, as well as a church, with the current.

Diving at Comino

The legend of St.. Corrothe

In Maltese, his name sounds like Koror (Qorrot), and in translated English sources, there is Kurrau and Kerrou ... This legendary (and most likely never really existed) man was a hermit and settled on Comino after evil people drove him out of the Maltese town of Most: by his exemplary behavior, he prevented them from living the way they wanted (read: sin) .Since Korroth was known for his responsiveness, a decisive role in the exile of a hermit was to be played by a woman, so to speak, of easy behavior..She was to throw off her clothes at the entrance to his dwelling, a cave in the Asel Valley .The conspirators reasoned as follows: if Corroth comes out to help her, they will blame him for indiscretions, and if not, they will say that he has become proud and does not help people..

Comino has never been involved in the eventful history of Malta, but since the prehistoric times the island has been inhabited.

At first everything went according to plan: the hermit went out to meet the woman and fell under the hail of not only stones, but also ridicule and insults .Waiting for easy victory, the conspirators drove him to the sea to drown him, but, reaching the shore, he suddenly ... spread his cloak on the water and flew on it like a raft through the Southern Strait separating Malta from Comino ±​​$ br >.On a small island, he lived for a while, and then moved to the neighboring island of Gozo, and in the same way that he ran from Malta .The bay in the west of Gozo, to which his cloak-steamer delivered, is called - Dahelet Qorrot, and his numerous admirers (he still touched the hearts of the inhabitants with his holy life!) Since then prayed to him: "Saint Korrot , not soaked feet on the road from Malta to Gozo, be our intercessor before the Lord! »

Comino hotels

The only option is Comino Hotel & Bungalows 4 *. Near Santa Maria Bay there is also a camping ground.

Cuisine and restaurants Comino

The site of the local hotel listed as many as 6 places, where you can have a snack at Comino: Blue Lagoon Restaurant, Rotunda, The Terrace, Club Nautico (in bungalows), The Tower (in the ancient tower, only for guests), hotel lobby and Internet cafe. Traditionally, everyone who comes to Comino for a day, or take sandwiches and drinks with them, or buy them at kiosks at the pier on the Blue Lagoon.

Beaches Comino

Blue Lagoon, St. Nicholas Bay, St. Mary Bay

Comino card

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Comino


  • The watchtower of St. Mary (St. Mary Tower) (17th century). It was built by the Grand Master of the Order of the Ioannites Vinyakur. It was an important link in the chain of protective and signaling structures between the ancient city-fortresses of Mdina (Malta) and Citadel (Gozo). In 2002, it was restored by the non-profit organization for the protection of historical monuments Din L-Art Ħelwa.
The tower is open for visits on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from April to October from 10.30 to 15.00. If a flag is posted on it, it means that the volunteers of Din L-Art Ħelwa are waiting for you. The visit is free, but donations are welcome. Be sure to climb the roof, with a magnificent panorama of the Blue Lagoon and the island of Gozo.
  • Battery St. Mary (St. Mary Battery) (18 century). It was also restored by the non-profit conservation organization Din L-Art Ħelwa and is open to the public.

Churches and Chapels

  • Chapel of St. Mary (St. Mary chapel). It houses the only iconostasis in Malta.

What to do + $

Traditional beach holidays, hiking, diving, sea cruises, water sports

In the summer months on the beach in the Blue Lagoon apple has nowhere to fall, but the other two beaches are not crowded. Stock up with an island map (you can download it on the Internet) to understand how to get to them from the Blue Lagoon in the shortest way.
Comino can safely bypass the perimeter for 4-5 hours and see all the main attractions. It is best to go to the island in the middle of spring, when everything is in blossom, the air is warm and the chances of getting under the rain are minimal. If time does not allow to devote to the study of Comino the whole day, it is most reasonable to study in detail the view of Scalanova (Wied Skalanova) - the continuation valley of the Blue Lagoon - and the tower of St. Mary.

Photos Comino (11)