For many years, Malta is famous for its unsurpassed resorts, it is always warm, there is almost no rain, but the air is rather humid. Sunny weather is combined with the always sunny mood of local residents, who are very friendly to tourists. One of the most famous resort regions of the island is rightly considered Martha (Marfa), it is located very close to the capital of Malta and the international airport.

A bit of history

People settled here long before our era, but in the first century AD, the lands of Martha were subjected to cruel raids by Arab warriors, and the life in this region was completely restored only in the Middle Ages .Since then, one of the main attractions of the whole island appeared here - the Red Tower, it was a sentinel signal point, and protected the banks of Martha from intruders .Nearby, in a town called Sliema, there is also the National Archaeological Museum, in which the heroic history of this small island state is presented in miniature .


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 15 + 15 + 16 + 19 + 23 + 27 + 30 + 30 + 28 + 24 + 20 + 16
night + 9 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 14 + 18 + 21 + 21 + 20 + 17 + 13 + 11
of water + 14 + 14 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 22 + 19 + 16


Beaches of Martha - an ideal place for those who want to hide from the bustle and civilization, as well as for those who go on vacation with young children. There are no nightclubs and countless disco bars, only small cozy restaurants right on the coast with national cuisine and an abundance of seafood dishes. Days pass quietly, even without a hint of fuss, and in the evenings one can listen to trills of cicadas and admire the starry sky.

But, first of all, Martha is miles of magnificent beaches with the finest golden sand (which, incidentally, can not boast more than any resort of the island), the banks of Martha are washed by the clean, always warm and calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea .Here you can just as simply bask in the sun, and engage in all sorts of beach sports, soar over the sea on a parachute, or dive to its bottom with an aqualung .In addition, it is in these areas that you can not only observe the underwater life of marine inhabitants, but also find some rarity, and although you will not be allowed to withdraw it from the country according to the current legislation, pleasant memories will remain with you for life ±​​$ The .

Ramla Bay on the coast of Martha

Hotels, restaurants and shops of Martha

Martha has a well-developed infrastructure and a compact location of resort settlements .All hotels are close to the coastal zone and have their own equipped beach, so vacationers do not have to travel long distances to get to the sea .In the immediate vicinity are also cafes, restaurants and markets where you can buy fresh vegetables, fruits and fish..And, of course, we can not ignore the numerous shops with local souvenirs, the most popular of which are delicate laces, which for hundreds of years the craftswomen knit themselves, unique ceramics, because pottery is considered one of the main crafts of the Maltese, and a fine local wine .

Map of Martha

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Martha

Mellicha is considered the most attractive town on the coast of Martha, there is a picturesque bay of St. Paul that protects the beach from winds, and therefore the sea in this area is always calm and clean, which makes it especially attractive for rest with kids and diving enthusiasts. The .In addition, there are many interesting places that will be useful to visit with an excursion, for example, the majestic Catholic Cathedral of St. Paul, which is an excellent example of the Baroque style and the ancient Christian Church of the Holy Mother of God..It is also recommended to go to a concert of a local orchestra to listen to national motives in his performance .Mellieha is also a place for holding numerous festivals and festivities, the height of which falls at the end of August, you need to get on them .

Martha is attractive for many people by the fact that you can fully relax and relax without overburdening yourself with a dense excursion program.

Martha is attractive for many people by the fact that you can fully relax and relax without overloading yourself with a dense excursion program and many hour trips to various attractions. Here all the conditions for a quiet and pleasant pastime, about which almost every inhabitant of a big city dreams, are created.

But if the local unhurried life gets you a little bored, you can go for impressions to the nearby Valletta. In addition, in many villages of Martha, there is a ferry connection with the neighboring islands of Comino and Gozo, which also has its own sights and unique natural landscapes. No less exciting is the sea trip on the yacht along the coastline of Martha itself.