What is the weather like in Mexico in September?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The climate of Mexico is quite diverse, so September in one part of the country can bring pleasant sunny weather, and 200 km to the south, for example, can rain like a bucket all day. On average, the air temperature will be + 20 ... + 30 ° С, depending on the region. For example, in September in Acapulco, the indicator of the thermometer rests in the region of +32 ° C, and in Mexico - about + 23 ° С.

But in general, it can not be said that September is the best month for a trip to Mexico (someone might even think that he did not leave Russia and her autumn). Cancun in this month can please tourists with a temperature of +27 ° C, which, however, does not cancel periodically falling clouds with rain. Which, in turn, does not in the least spoil the impression from the warm sea, but the prices for hotels even help to reduce.

Finally, it is worth noting that Mexico is subject to storms and hurricanes from the sea, and September is no exception. This fact should also be borne in mind when planning a trip in the fall. In Acapulco, by the way, which is located on the Pacific coast, such quirks of nature in the autumn months can not wait.

October 11, 2011

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