"On the shore of desert waves was $ ±​​$
He, the thoughts of the high and full, looked into the distance ... "
Alexander Sergeevich

Pushkin's lines are not accidental here - the poems of the great poet perfectly fit not only Peter I and the founding of St. Petersburg, but also to the Prince of Monaco Rainier III and the birth of the city of Fonve.

Today, looking at the diversity of office centers, sports ports, shopping malls, swimming pools and other new buildings, it's hard to believe that some half a century ago on this place serenely splashed waves, and only a small fishing village hinted that people live nearby.

Surprisingly the perseverance and diligence with which the inhabitants of the principality under the leadership of Renier for 7 years - from 1965 to 1972 - won the land from the sea. As a result, due to special embankments, it was possible to increase the territory of the principality by 22 hectares. For us, Russians, this area may seem ridiculous (still, some domestic farmers have more places for potatoes), but for a tiny principality as many as 22 hectares became a real breakthrough.

Holidays in Fonvier

However, it is no less a miracle how effectively this small piece of land is used. Today, Fonveway is one of the busiest cities in Europe, where many tourists from all over the world flock every year: small yachts and tourist vessels come in from the continent, cars and buses come from the continent. By the way, another inexpensive and quick way to get to Fonvej is helicopter flights, which provide a constant connection between the Principality and Nice.

In the city there will be entertainment for every taste. Rest here will remember not only lovers of roulette and Formula 1 (which have long become a visiting card of Monaco), but also:

  • lovers of beautiful scenery, outdoor activities and camping. Nearby are the Grimaldi rocks, popular with climbers. Mountaineers can climb the mountain of Agel, which is located nearby. To admire the city, mountains and the sea can be from a bird's eye view - by ordering a helicopter ride or sitting in a hang-glider.
  • inveterate football fans. The fans of Zidane and French football will not be disappointed at all: the football temple (and otherwise it is simply not called this huge stadium) is named after Louis the Second in 1985 and since that time continues to please local fans. By the way, most of the male population of the principality does not think of their life without football, so they will certainly be able to talk about interesting topics.
  • collectors and connoisseurs of retro cars. The museum of antique cars, created by Prince Rainier III, will not leave indifferent even the most satiated connoisseur of retro cars. In the neighborhood of a hundred collectible steel "beasts" there are also quite living beasts: near is a zoo stretched among the hanging gardens.

Map of Fonviea

If you once again remember the Russian classic, you can compare Fontviei with a miracle island, which magically originated in a completely empty place, as in the tale of Tsar Saltan. Yes, however, that's the way it is, the only difference is that all of this was done by the people themselves, with their own hands, and you can see this miracle with your own eyes.

In other words, although Fontveille is considered an industrial area of ​​the principality, there is always something to see: for example, the Maritime Museum with a collection of copies of famous ships, the Philately Museum and numismatics, the zoological garden, the landscape park, etc.,