Unabashed calm and silence reign in La Condamine - the oldest district of Monaco. A man who is ignorant will not even come to mind that this city with a population of about four thousand people is the center of the business and marine life of the principality. The main enterprises and trade institutions of the country are located on the territory of the city. There is no doubt that all major transactions and trades take place here.

Monaco residents literally conquer the territory of the Mediterranean Sea. And, I must admit, they are very good at it. From year to year the area of ​​the city increases due to artificial embankments. New land and buildings are being built on the new earth. And again the circulation of money begins in Monaco.

Search for tickets to the city of Nitsa (nearest a / p to Kondaminu)

Beaches in La Condamine

Monaco can not be imagined without beaches. And Condamine is no exception. Well-groomed coast, clean sand and clear water - what else do you need for a relaxing holiday? Is it only to go on a catamaran to plow the coastal waters or rent a white yacht and go out to the sea. $ $

Infrastructure La Condamina

Restaurants, cafes, bars and nightclubs in the city is just the sea. On average, lunch costs 20-30 euros - relatively inexpensive for Europe.

Where a tourist will spend the night depends on the size of his wallet. You can stop in expensive hotels with luxury apartments, as well as in modest apartments rented on vacation. In addition, there are campsites and hostels in the city.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of La Condamina

Despite the fact that the notorious traffic jams in La Condamine do not happen, the transport component here is simply fine - tourists, and the locals themselves, prefer to walk on foot. And why sit in the car, if the length of the city is very small? It is much more interesting to look at the sights on your two, rather than sitting in the car, even in the most chic. So there is the opportunity to stop and take a picture.

Monaco can not be imagined without beaches. And Condamine is no exception. Well-groomed coast, clean sand and clear water - what else do you need for a relaxing holiday?

La Condamine - a coastal city, washed by the gentle Mediterranean Sea. A huge harbor called Hercules is one of the main attractions of the area. Today it is moored with luxury yachts belonging to the powerful of this world: royal people, show business stars, big businessmen and other lucky ones.

Another beautiful place of the resort city is Princess Caroline Street. This is a zone exclusively for pedestrians. Afternoon walks here are surrounded by greenery of orange trees with ripening "redheads", lights and small lamps turn on in the evening and at night, and the street is transformed beyond recognition.

Melodious music, coming from nearby cafes and restaurants, further enhances the pleasant impression.