Would you like to consult in Morocco. We have heard that in this country the back treatment is practiced when the patient is buried in hot sands. In which hotels are such procedures included in the course of treatment of thalasso centers? Or is it done by a specialized treatment center?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Psammoterapiya (treatment with hot sand) is used in many diseases, including osteochondrosis, problems with joints, kidneys, diseases of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system and t .n .Hot sand gives a good anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect: enough for 15-20 minutes to drip into dry hot sand saturated with sea salts .Thus it is important to watch, that on a stomach the layer of sand was not more 1-2 cm, the thorax in the heart area to remain open .After a short bath, rinse with warm water and rest for half an hour in the shade .

Such treatment is possible on any sandy beach where sand is warming up well. Morocco in this regard is not the only place for psammotherapy. However, it is here that the sand gets warmer, because in the height of summer the temperature often reaches 40 ° C of heat.

Treatment centers in Morocco (mainly thalasso centers) - the cities of Agadir and Casablanca. Casablanca even houses the Thalasso Therapy Institute, and many hotels also offer fortifying and revitalizing programs.

June 17, 2013

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