Please tell us which currency is best for you in Morocco: dollars or euros?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Whichever currency you take, it will still have to be exchanged for a local one - the Moroccan Dirham. Import of foreign currency is not prohibited, but its circulation on the territory of the kingdom is prohibited. It is also forbidden to export local currency outside the country. Credit cards Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Dinners club are accepted in all major department stores and hotels.

You can exchange dollars or EUR both in banks and in hotels or ATMs. The course is universally accepted internationally, it is established by the state bank and is unified throughout the country, so it is not important to take what currency with you. It is strongly discouraged to make an exchange on the "black market" - it is not particularly profitable, but it will attract troubles from law enforcement agencies.

August 27, 2013

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