There are many places in the world where hunting gives real pleasure, and Namibia is one of the most popular .Excitement, shadowing the future trophy, the adrenaline of the first shot, the bitterness of defeat, again the agonizing pursuit, the shot and, finally, the long-awaited result of .Hunting is an art, to be perfected in which is best in the immense, picturesque conditions of savannas and rainforest of Africa .And the landscapes caress the eye, and the rules of the game are as close as possible to the real ones .And the cost of services in this area, and the inexpressible wealth of choice of trophies is not without reason motivated by lovers of hunting sports in this geographic direction..In addition, this is a fairly safe African country in medical terms, where no vaccination is required .But it is still worthwhile before the trip to drink the course of the antimalarial drug Lariam, after consulting with the doctor .

Hunting season is

The hunting season in Namibia starts from February 1 and continues until November 30 inclusive, but the best time is from May to September, when dry, warm weather is, until the rainy season is still far, and the night temperature does not drop below 0.


Each hunter is required to issue a license (permit), which lists all types of animals that the hunter intends to hunt. You can use both your own weapons and rented. But when you import your own weapons and hunting gear into Namibia, you need to issue a temporary import permit. It is recommended to import no more than 1 rifle and 1 rifle. Use any kind of manual and automatic weapons and crossbows is prohibited.

The most suitable caliber for hunting antelopes is the range 227-338, for larger representatives of fauna 416 or 375 will suit. You can not export more than two animals of the same species from the country within a year.

During the whole hunting season you are accompanied by a professional hunter-guide. Go to the "business" better 1, 5 hours before sunrise, return to the camp no later than 1, 5 hours after sunset.

Fauna of the world

In Namibia, a rich selection of game that causes an acute appetite among hunters, there are about 40 species of large birds: kudu, oryx, springbok, warthog, harteberist, blesbok, Iceland, steenbak, impala, blue wildebeest, black wildebeest, common zebra, mountain zebra, giraffe, cheetah, leopard, crocodile, bushbok, waterback, ridbok, dick-dick, duker, sable, lion, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, ostrich, etc.

As for animals that can be hunted, there are 46 of them. They are often the antlers of the oryx, kudu, canna, congony, blesbock, wildebeest, impala, springboki, African warthog and zebra.

The duration of hunting directly depends on the type of trophies that the hunter wants. Tracking the antelope takes 4-5 days, but for the sake of the leopard will have to spend two, or three times more time.

Hunting in Namibia


Most of the year in Namibia is sunny and dry weather. The rainy season usually begins in December and lasts until mid-April. In the summer months, the night temperature can drop to 8 degrees below 0.


As with any licensed hunting, in Namibia, it is necessary to pay a unit of trophies extracted in the local jungle and plains. Also, hunting facilities are ready to help with their processing: the primary processing of the trophy "by the shoulders" will cost 35 EUR for the trophy, when the skins are removed the price is negotiable. The cost of trophies is approximately the following (in euros):

  • kudu 600
  • zebra vulgaris 590
  • Ireland 1250
  • oryx 400
  • zebra Hartmann 650
  • water tank 1900
  • Sprinkle 330
  • blue wildebeest 800
  • cheetah 1500
  • steñbok 230
  • impala 600
  • leopard 2000
  • boar warthog 300
  • dyker 250
  • baboon 50
  • hartebist 430
  • damara wild-dik 1000
  • jackal 30
Kalahari, Namibia Hunting in Namibia
Mountains on the outskirts of the Namib Desert Hunting in Namibia
Buffaloes in the Mahango Reserve Hunting in Namibia

The main hunting areas are

The district of Kalkfeld, located 270 km north-west of Windhoek, is popular. The farm belongs to the family of hereditary hunters, therefore professional approach to the exciting process here is provided. There are about 20 species in the game. The accommodation is offered in comfortable rooms, there is even a bar, a sauna, a swimming pool where you can relax in the evenings if the forces remain.

Also an excellent place for hunting - covered with camel thorn and shrubs sections of the savanna, near Windhoek. And in the area of ​​the Kalahari desert you can hunt in the sand dunes, which is a dynamic and exciting action. Hunting tours for an elephant are held in Caprivi Strip and Bushman Lande.

Popular among hunters Namibia Lodge, a farm 60 km west of Windhoek on the picturesque plateau of Khomas Hochland Mountains.