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The soul and heart of Africa Namibia in every way welcomes travelers in its hot and ancient open spaces .Citizens of Russia are no exception: Russian tourists do not need a visa to visit Namibia .At the airport upon arrival in the passport will be issued a residence permit valid for 90 days - which should be more than enough to observe elephants, and for a blissful holiday on the ocean coast .From the formalities we note only the 6-month validity of the passport and the obligatory 2 blank pages in it - however, as practice shows, one will be quite enough .The

Entrance to the country

When crossing a border, it is necessary to show:

  • a foreign passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of return;
  • Migration card, filled in English.
Formally, a passport is required to have 2 blank pages, but in practice border guards are not interested in such details.

Embassy of Namibia in Russia

Address: 119180, Moscow, 2-nd Kazachy per., 7 Phone / Fax: (499) 230-32-75, 230-22-74

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