No matter how sweet the "forbidden fruit" of Holland, do not forget about the necessary security measures.

In Holland, alcohol less than 15% of the fortress is allowed to drink to people from 16 years of age. Stronger alcoholic beverages are allowed to be consumed from the age of 18; from this age, the doors of coffeeshops where drugs are being sold for tourists also open for tourists

In democratic Holland, strangely enough, rather stringent laws on drinking spirits . If you appear drunk in a public place, you will be taken to the station . There is also a rule that you can not drink while standing on the terrace in the restaurant - for this, as well as for drinking alcohol on the street, you can be fined (for a bottle of beer - a fine of 18 EUR, for strong drinks - from 90 euros ) . In case you were caught with a glass on the terrace, your the owner of the establishment bears losses: he is warned, and in case of a repeated violation, a fine of about 500 EUR . is issued. If the owner of the restaurant and later does not settle the problem with glasses on the terrace, his institution can close - first for a week, and then for good .

Light drugs (marijuana and hashish) in the Netherlands are officially allowed, but they can only be bought and consumed in special shops and coffeeshops and no more than 5 grams per person.

Dutch drugs are natural product differing from lnym action, so you can easily exceed the coffeeshops in the measure (especially baking, which added hashish: Wait at least an hour, before drawing conclusions about what you want to supplement! ).

If you have an overdose with a drug, do not hesitate to contact the hospital (universal telephone number of the rescue service in Holland is 112). Local doctors treat even those who have used chemical or psychotropic drugs banned in the Netherlands, and do not report at the same time about the cause of indisposition to the police.

The Dutch authorities are doing everything to keep up with their neighbors on the European Union. Smoking is prohibited in all public places where there is no zone for smokers (in restaurants this is a special terrace with heating in winter), and on an expensive pack of Dutch cigarettes you will read "Rockers die young" (in Dutch the smoker will be "roker").

Nadezhda Kantur

The material was prepared in the framework of the joint program "Safety of tourists abroad" with the portal