How can a citizen of Kazakhstan get a visa to North Cyprus for a year or a year and a half?

Responds Julia Ozerge, company "Antey Tour"
When you first visit the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, you will be charged tourist visa at the airport upon arrival. Tourist visa is put at a separate leaflet or a passport of your choice. The period of its can be up to 90 calendar days. Tourist visa does not give you opportunities to work, after the expiry of the period, you must leave the country.

If you plan to obtain a residence permit, you must submit the following documents to the migration police department: $ $

  • the original passport and copies of pages with a photograph and a stamp on the date of entry;
  • copy and original documents on property rights to the property at

the territory of Northern Cyprus;

  • certificate from the headman of a local village or district of the city, confirming that the person lives in this area;
  • a certificate from the bank about the presence of an account in the TRNC with a sufficient amount of funds

or regular income for living on the territory of the TRNC without the need to conduct Work activity (no less than 10 thousand USD for each member of the family);

  • payment of state fee.

In case of a positive decision of the migration service, you will receive a referral to medical examination and blood tests for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis. You also need to make a fluorography.

Based on the results of the medical examination, the immigration service will decide on the term of the residence permit.

The primary residence permit can be from 6 months to a year. At the repeat treatment - from 6 months to 2 years. The residence permit is put in the passport. Getting a residence permit does not give you the right to work, but only permission to reside on the territory of the TRNC.

February 16, 2015

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